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It's the early hours of the morning and I am leaving the astronomy tower and sneaking back to Gryffindor Tower.
"You're awfully late back again" The Fat Lady
"Just the usual shenanigans, milady" I reply with a boyish grin
The Fat Lady rolls her eyes at me, but lets on a small smile "Funny, that's always your response, but I never find out what these shenanigans are"
"Well, that's for me to know and for you to hopefully never find out. Now, would you be a darl and let me in please before Mr Filch nicks me for being an absolute rebel?"
"Hm. Password?"
"Boar Snout"
The portrait swings open, letting me walk through it, leading me into the Gryffindor Common Room.
What I do not expect to see when I stepped inside the Gryffindor Common Room was Sirius sat on one of the sofas, patiently waiting for me.
"Where have you been?" Asks Sirius
"What?" I ask
"You heard me. It's almost 2AM, you rushed out of the party as soon as you saw my brother leaving and you've returned hours later with nothing so you can't have been to the kitchens. So let me ask you again, where have you been?"
"Do I need to tell you where I am all the time?"
"No, but it's just odd all these late nights you're having with no explanation"
"I have a life, Pads"
"I'm your best friend, Prongs, we're supposed to tell each other everything. What happened to no secrets?"
"I'm not hiding anything from you"
"Then where were you?"
"The Astronomy Tower"
"What were you doing there?"
"Christ above. I was watching the stars. Sometimes I like to sit at the astronomy tower and watch the night sky, see how it changes and how many constellations I can find"
I wasn't exactly lying to him, I did used to do that, it's just not what I was doing this evening, but I can't exactly confess to Sirius that I was doing his brother.
Sirius looks somewhat defeated at my answer "What sort of confession did you want from me, Pads?" I ask
"I don't know, Prongs"
"Are you gonna stop spying on me?"
"I suppose"
"Good because it's late and we both have to be up at 8:30"
"Merlin, don't remind me"
"Go to bed. Sirius"
We both head up to our dorm room and try as hard as we can to be quiet so as to not wake Remus and Peter.
The next morning I wake up with not enough sleep and trudge to the great hall, practically half asleep, but I'm also hungry so the lie in would not have been worth it if I had have shown up to divination on an empty stomach.
I sit down with Sirius, Remus and Pete in our usual spot on the Gryffindor table and start spooning scrambled egg on to my plate. I then find myself subconsciously looking for a certain Slytherin fourth year and I then chastise myself for making it so damn obvious.
"Who are you looking for, Prongs?" Asks Remus, his mouth half full with a slice of jam on toast.
"I bet he's looking for Evans, hasn't seen her since the incident" Sirius replies with a cheeky smirk
"Oh that's rough, mate" says Remus, shovelling more toast into his mouth.
Moments after that conversation, Lily comes over to the Gryffindor table.
She spots me and we stare at one another for a few moments, she ponders whether to come over or not and eventually decides against it, sitting instead down another end of the table.
"You should go and talk to her, Prongs" says Sirius
I nod and sigh, taking my plate with me as I make my way to the end of the table where Lily is sat.
"Hey" I say as I take a seat opposite her
"That's where Mary was going to sit" is what she replies with
"Well Mary isn't here right now and I thought we should talk"
"Nothing to talk about"
"Lily, you can't lie to me here, you know what I want to talk about"
"That doesn't mean I want to talk about it"
"Lily, that's not fair"
"Why not?"
"Because I deserve something"
"Like what?"
"Christ, Lily, you're bleeding me dry here. I've been pining for you practically the moment I laid eyes on you, you can't deny that because you were the one who gave out your numerous rejections first hand, but the minute I take a step back and decide I'm gonna save myself a slither of dignity and allow myself to let you go, you kiss me and then you run away"
Lily puts her head in her hands and sighs "I was drunk, James, okay? Is that what you want to hear? I was drunk and I made a mistake and now I regret it. Happy now?"
"You regret it? Kissing me was a mistake that you regret?"
"Oh come on, James, it didn't mean anything!"
"Didn't mean anything? Well maybe it didn't to you but it sure as hell meant something to me"
My feelings for Regulus may have surpassed my feelings for Lily but that kiss still did mean something, it still happened and I do still have feelings for her. For her to dismiss it like this...it hurts.
"For fucks sake, James! I don't want to be your girlfriend, I don't want to kiss you, I never meant to. Just for once in your life can you leave me alone and stop going on! Just give me a fucking break will you?"
I sit there momentarily, just blinking at her, completely speechless and at a loss for words.
"Alright fine" is all I say before I pick up my plate and storm back over to my friends.
"Prongs, what-" I don't let Sirius finish his question, instead I slam my plate on the table "I'm going to divination, I'll see you later" I state before storming out of the great hall.
"Today you will open your inner minds and discover the art of reading tea leaves" announces our professor as she begins the lesson. However, I'm not listening.
Once again I have conflicting feelings. I still like Lily, maybe I still love her. There is something there for Lily still, a place for her in my heart. But then there's Regulus.
"I want you all to grab a cup. Once you have drunk your tea, you must hand your cup to the person next to you so that they may read you your fate" the professor continues.
We all make our tea with the tea leaves provided and wait a few minutes for the tea to cool down before we drink it. In all honesty, it doesn't taste all that bad, I was expecting it to be grim but I was pleasantly surprised. I then realise that I don't have anyone next to me because Sirius dropped divination and replaced it with ancient runes. "Professor, I don't have a partner" I announce, in hopes that she'll tell me to just read my own leaves "ask the person behind you" she replies.
I turn to look behind me and see that the person who would be reading my leaves would be Lily Evans. "I'd rather not" I say, unsure of whether she heard me or not "Don't be pathetic, James, just give me your leaves" says Lily
"No, I can read them myself"
"Sure you can"
"Just because you think I'm an idiot doesn't mean I'm actually inept"
"That's not what I-"
"You're talking to me an awful lot for someone who wants me to leave them alone" I state angrily before turning my back to her and reading my own leaves.
I spend the rest of the day thinking about Lily and what she said and then thinking about Regulus, mainly thinking about Regulus.
Three more days go by before I finally see Regulus again. I catch him walking alone in the corridor and I seize my opportunity. I pull him round the corner and check to see if anyone's watching before I steal a quick kiss.
"James, what the fuck? You can't do that in the open like that" Regulus chastises me
"No one's here, Regulus, it's fine. Plus, I missed you"
Regulus seems to turn a little shade of red at that comment which makes me smile. "Anyway, meet me at the astronomy tower tonight at 9" I say
"What if I'm not free?" Asks Regulus
"That would be a damn shame, except we both know you are" I reply
He tries to think of something that would mean he wasn't free but after a while he seems rather defeated. "Alright fine, yes I am free and I will meet you there"
"Great, I'll see you then"
Before I leave I check around once more and I kiss him again. This time he doesn't chastise me, this time he kisses me back. After that I walk on to my potions lesson.
Later on that day I decide to sit and chill in the common room before I meet Regulus and Remus, Sirius and Pete join me.
"Do you wanna talk about what happened with Lily, mate?" Asks Remus
"What is there to talk about?" I ask
"The fact that you had a face like a slapped arse when you came back before you stormed off" replies Sirius
"She told me that kissing me was a mistake she regrets and that I need to leave her the fuck alone and get over myself" I state bluntly.
"That's rough, mate, I'm sorry" says Remus
I shrug my shoulders "I said I was gonna get over her and let her go this year, now I have more of an incentive to do so" I reply.
At that moment, Lily walks into the Gryffindor common room, which is perfect timing anyway, because I need to leave for the astronomy tower to meet Regulus.
"Looks like I best be leaving, boys" I say as I get up out of the arm chair I was slouching in.
I walk past Lily, Mary and Marlene on my way out of the common room and Lily turns to face me. "You aren't seriously leaving because of me are you? That is pathetic" asks Lily
"Christ above, Evans, you aren't the fucking sun, the world doesn't revolve around you, I'm leaving because I have a place to be, get off your fucking high horse" I reply
"James, there's no need to be rude" Mary chastises me and I scoff
"No, Mary, I'll tell you what there's no need for, there is no need for Lily to be so damn spiteful to me. It's not my bloody fault she kissed me, I was actually backing off this year and now suddenly I'm still the prick"
Before any of them can say anything else I turn to walk off again.
"Do you want me to come with you, James?" Sirius calls out
"I'd rather be alone" I reply before storming out of the common room and off to the astronomy tower.
When I get there, Regulus is already waiting for me. I walk up to him, grab him and pull him in for a kiss. "Are you alright?" Asks Regulus
"Just peachy" I reply with a clipped tone
"What's gone on?" Asks Regulus
"Oh nothing just Lily Evans being spiteful"
"Regulus, I'm sorry, I should think before I speak, it's not like that"
"So you're not trying to get with her?"
"What? No, no not at all, I wouldn't do that to you"
I explain to him the whole timeline of events to make sure he understands
"So you do still have feelings for her?" Asks Regulus
"Reg, you can't love someone for five years and immediately stop. I do still have feelings for her, but not in the same way I have feelings for you" I reply
"I promise you"
"How can I be sure?"
"Go out with me"
"Go out on a date with me. This Saturday, Hogsmeade, The Three Broomsticks"
"James you can't be serious"
"I'm 100% serious"
"Alright then, I'll be there"


Hello there my lovelies!

We have angsty Jily but wholesome Jegulus here because I like to spice things up every now and then. Anyways, I hope yous all have the most wonderful day, I love you all so much!

Stay wonderful!

All my everlasting love,

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