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TW: mentions of torture, mentions of abuse, mentions of violence, mentions of injuries

"You dare to disobey your Father? Your Lord?" Asks Mother
"I didn't, Mother, I swear, it was an accident" I reply desperately
"I saw it with my own eyes! This shall not go unpunished, Regulus, defiance is sinful, you must obey" Mother reprimands me, her nostrils flaring with rage. I cower back in fear
"No, Mother, please, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, please" I beg
"Orion, you handle this, he did disobey you after all" Mother claims
"Very well, Walburga" Father replies
He stands before me, pointing his wand at me "Crucio" Father curses and immediately I am hit with unyielding pain, I don't collapse to the floor, I remain standing but I'm shaking with pain. I am then thrown back against the fireplace, and then everything goes black.
I wake up in the hospital wing at Hogwarts.
The last thing I remember is being blasted into the fireplace of my house.
I'm not entirely sure how I ended up at Hogwarts.
"James" I say after a while of just cuddling with him in my hospital bed
"Regulus" he replies
"Could you go and get Madam Pomfrey for me?" I ask
"Sure thing" James replies, pressing a kiss to the top of my forehead before walking off to go and get Madam Pomfrey.
Moments later, Madam Pomfrey and James appear at the foot of my bed "You asked for my presence, Mr Black?" Asks Madam Pomfrey
"I was wondering how here? And also what you were told" I ask
"Your parents sent you to Dumbledore's office and asked if you could get looked at, and if you could stay here for the duration of the holiday. They said that you took a blow during the battle" Madam Pomfrey explains, looking mildly sceptical as to why I'm asking.
"Right, okay, thank you, Madam Pomfrey, I just wanted to clear that up" I reply. Madam Pomfrey gives me a once over and then quirks a brow before turning and walking off.
"Reg, what's wrong?" Asks James
"Nothing" I lie
"Don't lie to me, Regulus, not to me, please" James says, and the soft look on his face and slight plea in his voice tugs at my heart strings.
"I didn't get injured during the battle. My Mother saw me use the imperius curse to save your Father from my Father killing him, she was furious, asked me why I was aiding the enemy. I tried to lie and say that I didn't realise. She used the cruciatus curse on me and flung me backwards into the fireplace, which is how I got my concussion, and I assume is also how I broke my arm, but the details are a little fuzzy" I reply, unable to look him in the eye.
"Oh, baby, I'm so sorry" James says, getting straight back into my hospital bed with me, wrapping his arms around me, stroking my hair and placing a kiss atop my head.
For a while, James just holds me, and I don't realise how much I need him to, I don't realise how much I need to be comforted.
"Are you going to tell Sirius?" James asks after a while
"No, why would I do that?" I ask
"He is your brother" James replies
"So?" I ask
"I don't know, I just thought I'd ask" James replies
"no, I won' tell him, and neither will you" I say
"Why are you so hell bent on him not knowing?" Asks James
"Because if he finds out he'll try to go back home and have it out with my parents, and then they'll hurt him" I reply
"I'm sure Sirius wouldn't go back" James argues
"You don't understand, James, you don't know him like I do" I reply
"Are you trying to say I don't know my best friend?" Asks James, shifting away from me, a tone of offense in his voice.
"No, I'm just saying you don't know him the way I do, he's overly protective" I reply
"You don't think I know that?" Asks James
"I'm not trying to say you don't know him, James, you're not listening to me" I reply
"Don't be like that"
"Be like what?"
"Don't be short with me, I don't appreciate it"
"I don't appreciate the insinuation that I don't know my best friend"
"Oh for fucks sake, I hate it when you're like this"
"Like what?"
James huffs out a humourless laugh
"Get out" I say
"What?" Asks James
"I said get out" I reply firmly
James rolls his eyes, gets out of my hospital bed and storms off.
How the fuck did that escalate so quickly?
About an hour and a half after James leaves, Madam Pomfrey tells me that I can leave the hospital wing, which I do gladly. I head to the Slytherin Common Room which is mostly empty, there's only one person in the Common Room at the moment, and it's just my fucking luck that it's Arlo fucking Reins.
"Regulus" Arlo says, putting down the book he was reading in the corner, his voice is silky smooth and he flashes me an easy grin.
Fuck he's so attractive.
Regardless of what Arlo has done to me, he is still so fucking attractive, it makes me angry. Maybe it doesn't, maybe I'm already angry because of James, maybe Arlo being attractive is simply adding to my anger.
"Oh come on, baby, don't ignore me" Arlo continues
"Don't call me that" I reply
Arlo stands up and starts walking over to me
"Don't call you what? Baby?" Asks Arlo
"Yes, don't call me that" I reply
"You used to like it when I called you that" Arlo says, close to me now
"Used to being the key word here" I reply
"Come on, don't be cold with me, we used to be good together" Arlo says, his hand holding my chin, tilting my face up to look at him, my breath hitches in my throat as his hand travels down to cup my neck.
"I hate to sound like a broken record, but used is the key word, and we weren't good together" I reply
"Maybe not, but I miss you"
"Really? Didn't seem like that when you were hitting me"
"I was angry"
"That doesn't make it okay"
"I know, baby, I'm sorry, let me make it up to you"
"How are you going to do that?"
I should have seen it coming really, I should have known my question left myself open to Arlo kissing me, but it takes me by surprise anyway when he does. I don't pull away, I lean into it. Selfishly, I hope that by kissing Arlo, I'm making James jealous.
Arlo's kiss gets more desperate, more passionate, more lustful. He presses into me, grinding his hips against mine and the friction drives me wild.
I push into him further, encouraging him to do more, asking for him to do more, needing him to do more.
He picks me up, physically lifts me up until my legs are wrapped around his hips. He then proceeds to walk with me clinging to him, his lips never leaving mine as he takes me upstairs to his empty dorm room. When we get to his dorm room he lays me down on the bed, my legs fall to the bed and he grinds his hips against mine as he rests between my legs.
He continues to kiss me, and then he's kissing along my jaw, down my neck. He's taking my shirt off, and I'm letting him. He's kissing down my torso, and I'm letting him.
He takes off his own shirt before he pulls down my jeans. He licks up my length and I gasp at the twinge of pleasure that shoots through me, quickly followed by waves of pleasure that consume me when he takes me in his mouth completely and starts moving his head up and down.
I thread my fingers through his hair and grip it like a life line. I sputter curses mixed with Arlo's name and if I'm honest, I'm damn near seeing the heavens and singing hymns. I forgot the things Arlo can do with his mouth.
I climax and barely have time to get over the high of it before Arlo is kissing me again and removing his jeans simultaneously, spreading my legs so he can get between them, and I'm not stopping him, nor am I complaining.
This is where Arlo becomes his usual self, he enters me, and barely gives me time to adjust before he's thrusting into me at a quick and steady pace. His hand is around my throat and adding some pressure which I like, which I've missed.
The room is filled with a mixture of our moans, meaningless words that we speak to each other, the sound of skin to skin contact, the sound of our heavy breathing.
Arlo's thrusts get slower and inconsistent as he rides out his high, and when he finishes, he pulls out of me and lays on top of me, the way James does.
I suddenly feel a wave of regret wash over me as I realise exactly what I have just done.
I just had sex with Arlo, and it was out of spite, it was out of anger, it was to make James jealous, which is stupid really because how would James even know unless I told him, and right now I don't exactly feel like telling him, it would only hurt him more. I don't want to hurt James, not really.
"We shouldn't have done that" I say breathlessly.
Arlo rests his chin on my chest and looks at me with a frown "Why not? It was good wasn't it?" Asks Arlo
"It was. It was so good, I hate to admit it, but it was" I reply
"So why shouldn't we have done it?" Asks Arlo
"Because we aren't good together, Arlo, because it wasn't a good idea" I reply
"Is this about James? Are you two back together?" Asks Arlo, he almost sounds sad, it kind of hurts my heart actually to hear the sad tone in his voice. I do still care about him after all, I do still have love for him, despite everything.
"We aren't back together, but we're something"
Arlo sighs and rolls off of me "It's always him" Arlo sighs
"It's always him" I repeat
"It's never going to be me is it?" Asks Arlo, turning his face to the side so that he's looking at me. I turn my face too so that we're looking at one another. I shake my head.
"It's always been James, it's always going to be James" I reply
"Fuck" Arlo curses
"That doesn't mean I didn't love you when I had you, I just couldn't stay with you knowing that I didn't love you as much as I love him" I explain
"I think you need to go now" Arlo says, a crack in his voice.
"Arlo" I begin but he shakes his head.
"We had our fun, but it's over now, there's no reason for you to stay, so I think you need to leave" Arlo states firmly
"Arlo, I'm sorry, please don't think I used you"
"Well what the fuck was this then? Because it wasn't us getting back together, it's not you confessing your undying love for me, it was just sex, Regulus, so excuse me if I feel pretty used, so just fuck off will you?"
I get out of bed and throw my clothes on before leaving without another word.
I decide to head to the Astronomy Tower to clear my head, and part of me also hopes that I'll find James there.
When I get to the Astronomy Tower, I do, in fact, find James there.
"James" I say
He turns to look at me, but he doesn't say anything, he instead turns his attention back to the stars. I decide to come and sit next to him, dangling my legs over the side of the Astronomy Tower.
"I think we should talk" I continue, also looking at the stars.

Hello there my lovelies!

Apologies for the lack of update yesterday, I work two jobs on Mondays and Fridays which leaves me no time to update so things might get slow on those days just as a heads up for the future but I am on a mission for regular updates, just don't hold me to that because I am about to get super busy over the next few weeks as a working gyal! But anyways, onto chit chat about the actual chapter
Okay so we have some angst but please do not hate me for Regulus shagging Arlo, sometimes we make bad decisions and Arlo just happened to be Regulus' bad decision this chapter! In his defence he was doing it to be spiteful which does not make it okay but at least he has reasons!
Also don't be mad about the wee cliff hanger I'll try to update quickly for the next one so I don't leave y'all hanging too long!
Also also!!! We hit 19k reads on this fic which is INSANE????? Thank you all so much I literally love and adore you all!!!!!!
Anyways! I hope you enjoyed this one! I'll catch you in the next one! Until then have a great day!

Stay wonderful!

All my everlasting love,

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