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After Regulus leaves, I decide that it's probably time for me to apologise to Pete.
I head downstairs into the Common Room in the hopes that Peter is there, and luckily for me, he is, he's sat with Sirius and Remus.
"Hey, Pete, can we talk?" I ask, rubbing the back of my neck with my hand as I wait for his response
"What's up?" Asks Peter
"I'm really sorry about earlier, mate, I was really angry and that wasn't your fault, it was wrong of me to take it out on you, I said things I shouldn't have and I dealt with your feelings in the complete wrong way. I'm so sorry, Pete, I should have recognised that you felt left out and I should have taken action, it wasn't my intention at all and I truly am sorry" I reply
Peter offers me a smile which I automatically return.
"Thank you, James, I appreciate it, plus I've spoken to these two idiots about it anyway and it seems now we're all good" Peter states with a grin before Sirius smacks him upside the head
"Not cool, wormy, I am a genius" Sirius replies, trying desperately not to smile, but fails
"Hey! What happened to defending me?" Asks Remus with mock offense
"I'm your boyfriend not your Knight" Sirius replies and Remus pouts
"No one told me they weren't one in the same" Remus retorts causing Sirius to roll his eyes.
Moments later, the portrait swings open, so we all turn to look at who it is, and I'm surprised to see Regulus hurrying through the portrait hole, what I'm even more surprised about is that he has a red cheek and a bloody nose.
"Regulus, what the fuck?" I ask, the words flying out of my mouth before I can really think about how they could come across as aggressive.
He doesn't answer.
He walks over to us but doesn't answer me.
"I'll get water and a cloth, Reggie, just sit here" Sirius says, panicking as he almost runs up the bathroom.
Regulus doesn't sit.
"Regulus, what happened?" I ask, my tone sterner than I intended, but I need to know, I feel a sense of protectiveness encapsulating me.
He looks away from me and inhales sharply.
"Arlo" He finally replies and my jaw immediately clenches, my protectiveness being instantly replaced with pure rage.
"I'm going to kill him" I spit angrily
"Who?" Asks Sirius, I didn't even see him come back, I was too focused on Regulus.
Sirius tenderly places the cloth on Regulus' nose after making him sit down.
"Arlo did this" I reply, gesturing to Regulus' face
"He fucking what?" Asks Sirius, turning his attention to Regulus "Reg, is this true?" Asks Sirius.
Regulus looks away again but gives Sirius a short nod in response and Sirius flinches.
"I'm going to kill him" I repeat before turning and walking toward the portrait hole.
"James, wait" Regulus calls to me, following me quickly as I push the portrait open
"Nothing is stopping me, Regulus, he made you bleed that's even worse than the last time he laid a hand on you, and he got off easy that time" I state, not stopping to face him
"James, don't make it more of a problem than it already is" Regulus begs me
"If James doesn't sort him out, I will" Sirius states, also following me which I didn't realise
Regulus can't seem to come up with anything to say that would even make us think of stopping, so he just follows us until we get to the Dungeons.
"Balderdash" Regulus says, deciding it would be fruitless to withhold the password from us, knowing we wouldn't leave, and that he'd have to go back in at some point, either way, we'd get in, so he may as well save the hassle.
We step inside and head to the stairs, we bang on Arlo's door until it opens and Arlo appears.
I am immediately overcome by rage and before Arlo can even blink my fist collides with his face
"That's for Regulus" I say
Arlo groans and holds his nose "I think you fucking broke my nose" Arlo complains
"Good, and you know what? I could break some other limbs if you don't keep your filthy fucking hands off of Regulus" I reply threateningly
"Is he ever going to fight his own battles?" Asks Arlo
"I don't know, are you ever going to stop being a worthless piece of shit?" I ask
"Oh, wow, I'm so wounded, goodness, shiver me timbers, I'm practically shaking with fear, Potter" Arlo states sarcastically, adding a yawn into the mix.
In response to this, I kick him out from under his feet, causing him to land on his knees which makes him groan again and fall onto his side on the floor.
"You wouldn't be in this position if you kept your hands to yourself and your fat gob shut" I comment.
Sirius adds his input by kicking his ribs, which shifts him back enough to close the door, which we do before we walk away.
"James, you shouldn't have done that" Regulus says
"Let me finish cleaning you up" I say, ignoring his statement
"I'll take you to my dorm" Regulus sighs.
Sirius heads back to Gryffindor Tower and I head to Regulus' room with Regulus.
I head into his bathroom and fill a bowl with warm water and dip a cloth in. I walk back into his room where he's sat on the bed, I place the bowl down on his bedside cabinet and I take a seat.
I jump back up when something sharp digs into my side.
"What's up?" Asks Regulus as I pull a box out of one of my pockets.
"Oh, I was supposed to give this to you earlier" I reply
"I went to Hogsmeade the other day, and I found these"
I open the box, revealing two silver bands, one with a sun engraved into it, and one with a star, not just any star
"The Regulus star?" Asks Regulus
"The very same" I reply "That's my one" I add
"What do you mean?" Asks Regulus
"I have the Regulus star, and you have the sun for me" I reply
"Why are you the sun?"
"Well, there's no James star, besides you're the star, and it made sense for my ring to be sky related too, but I couldn't be the moon, because that's Remus, and planets seemed too far away from the stars, and I never want to be far away from the stars, and then I remembered that the sun is a star, so I decided to be the sun"
"James, you are so sweet"
Regulus kisses me and I kiss him back.
"Let me clean your nose" I say
"My nose is fine" Regulus replies
"But" I go to say but he places a finger on my lips
"There's no blood, it's not broken, it's fine" Regulus states, interrupting me, so I don't try and protest again, instead I let him kiss me.
I also let him shift closer to me. I then push him down onto the bed and straddle him
"Looks like I am stuff after all" I comment
"What?" Asks Regulus
"Earlier you said you had to do stuff, I guess I'm stuff" I reply with a smirk
"James, this is not my idea of dirty talk" Regulus chastises, but smiles nonetheless, I smile and roll my eyes as I kiss him again.
I press my hips down onto his and he moans into my lips as I grind my hips against his. He lifts his hips, adding extra pressure which makes the both of us release a small moan.
My hands roam over his body and I kiss down his neck, his hands find my hair and grip it which makes me kiss his neck harder, leaving a hickey which makes me feel smug.
"Just to let you know, James, you being assertive and protective was so fucking attractive" Regulus says breathlessly as I begin unbuttoning his shirt.
"Oh really?" I ask with a smirk and he nods before I kiss him once more, fully removing his shirt. He then works my shirt off of me and kisses down my torso. I hold his chin and move his face back up to mine.
"I didn't say you could touch" I say, kissing him.
He lays back down which lets me remove his trousers, I slowly move myself down the bed until my head is between his legs. He waits with bated breath until I run my tongue from the base to the tip of his shaft which causes him to shiver.
I then take him in my mouth and bob my head up and down at a steady pace. Regulus moans and grips his hands in my hair, pulling at it, driving me insane.
I stop before he can finish which causes him to whimper, which is such a sexy sound to me. I then kiss him once more "Can I touch?" Asks Regulus and I nod.
He snakes his hand down my body and grips my shaft causing me to gasp on his lips. He pumps me slowly and I moan into his mouth, bucking my hips into his hand.
He stops shortly after and I sigh but instead push his legs open and position myself between them. I enter him and the both of us moan in unison at the sensation.
I kiss down his neck as I slowly start to thrust in and out of him. I slide my hand down his body and grip his shaft, pumping it as I increase the speed of my thrusts, causing Regulus to expel a loud moan "Holy fuck, baby, you sound so good, you feel so good" I groan
"Fuck, baby, don't stop" Regulus moans, he pulls me down closer "I need you closer, I need you close to me" he adds breathlessly before he kisses me.
I feel my climax building in my lower abdomen which causes me to increase the speed of my thrusts even more.
Regulus finishes before me and I ride out my high seconds later before laying on top of him, my chin resting on his chest so that I can see his face.
"I love you" Regulus says
"You don't have to say that if you don't want to, Reg, you don't owe me anything" I reply
"I know, but I do, I love you, I never stopped loving you" Regulus states
"I love you too" I reply and he kisses the top of my forehead.
He then looks over at the ring box which was left open and discarded on the bedside table next to the unused rag and water. He picks up the box and takes out the ring with the sun carved into it before he slides it onto his thumb
"You like it?" I ask
"I love it, James, I think it's so cute that you saw some rings and thought of us" Regulus replies and I blush
"I thought it would be cute, but I didn't just want to get plain silver bands which is why I got them engraved" I explain
"You truly are wonderful" Regulus states before kissing me once more.
"I should probably go" I say, pouting
"Stay?" Asks Regulus
"You want me to?" I ask
"I do, yeah, but only if you want me to" I reply
"I do" Regulus finalises and I smile.
I then turn to the ring box, take out the star ring and slide it onto my right index finger, it fits perfectly.
"They're both perfect fits, it was meant to be" I state with a grin
"The universe is trying to tell us something" Regulus replies
"Subliminal messaging is on a mission" I add and we both chuckle.
I roll off of Regulus' chest so that I'm now laid on my back on the bed next to Regulus. I turn my head so that I can still see him and all I can think about is how lucky I am to have this boy in my life, and how stupid I was to ever let him go.


Hello there my lovelies!

Protective James!! Also spicy Jegulus!! Omg and also the rings!! How cute are the rings?? This is one hundred percent something James would do, I'm a firm believer that one of James' love languages is gift giving, he just gives those vibes so that is how we ended up with the rings because they're so frickin cute!! Anyways I kind of loved this chapter tbh it had the right balance of everything imo. Omg also!! We're over 60 chapters into this fic now I'm so excited!! Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this one! I'll catch you in the next one! Until then, have a great day!

Stay wonderful!

All my everlasting love,

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