Sample of blitz the demon in disguise

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So after like a few weeks or a month of what happened so there was a meeting with like all the high-ranking demons like all the overlords were there all of the seven queens of hell and Lilith Charlie vaggie and even female fizz was there mainly because like Charlie and ozzie brought a guess and they were allowed to because well the two of them are very high-ranking demons also whenever I mean like the high-ranking demons from Goetia i'm talking about like fem paimon fem stolas fem andrealphus if you wanna make them female as in for your story

But anyways Lucifer made this meeting is because there is this demon going around somehow making people get kill themselves or he kills them and making a look like that which everyone thought this was stupid question to ask like why would they care about random demons which they didn't said he might not just be going after regular demons as he might come after overlords and who knows who else next

Which did make some people get concerned Stella obviously being having like the largest ego in the room looks like she wasn't afraid at all which is one of the reasons why Lucifer hates her so much because let's just say she hates her because she has a hatred towards imps it seems like

Which one of her children is an imp even though they all know about the adoption thing but some of them never seen blitz personally they've only heard like theories some of them don't think it's true some of them do

But anyways The lights turned off randomly and let's just say all the demons have the power to like or all the high-ranking teams does have a power to see in the dark or something like that whenever they try to use that power it didn't work like something stronger than them was stopping them from doing it

Then whenever the lights did go back on they saw a tape called T.H.I.N.K written in blue blood if you haven't seen think from Mandela catalog then you should see it if you are ever planning on making this into a story

But anyways so they react to like what an alternate is and well whenever this random voice let's just say it sounds a little bit like blitz but in a kinder voice so it sounds like blitz but actually happy
He starts saying like about what an alternate is and yeah let's just say they were shocked at things like this existed and it starts talking about on how they exist based on a demons depression when the demons very depressed and wants to end it all they transform into these entities having very little care for even their own family
Let's just say that's whenever they quickly remembered what they did to blitz and let's just say they are hoping that it's not too late if this is what they're actually saying

And like they go through like the whole thing with think and it also said that angelic weapons do not work on them and this kind of voice of blitz says so if you're going to shoot him with angelic weaponry then you might as well not shoot them at all all it will do is stall him and piss them off

Although if you have a firearm he will stand his ground and stay back giving you time to think of a plan

Then like they get through the entire think thing then after the ending part it says kill yourself there can only be one and then it glitches and then says no your place then it says know your enemy

While that happened everyone was just shocked at what this was pretty much saying like this video tape is trying to say that it's impossible to kill these things then it starts talking about on how these creatures manipulation to cause deaths

Then I start talking about the enemy and then there's this one demon that many demons actually find pretty much and like the demon they saw pretty much was blitz pretty much but some demons didn't know who that was but the ones who didn't was there and I shot at seeing the exact resemblance and the last time they saw blitz he did not look like the one with the longer neck

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