Sample of fanon VHS N

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So After N made V and J his bitch everything else goes as canon except V does not really go into the timeline as it is although she does still look at regenerated but if all of you would want V in the thing and be alive like she will regenerate and come back eventually but that'll be later

But it's your choice so during this time they were in the pod and talking about how to kill humans and that but then later on perhaps they were investigating the murders and found out it was the absolute Solver I think that's what it's called

So I don't know if it's actually Cyn or not because there can possibly be multiple except she is the first one you guys might know

So once he showed up after her father was ripped apart Uzi father that's whenever he showed up and talked her out of it and she was sure having mixed feelings because she does not want to kill her only friend she had in the mansion but she does not blame him for fighting back because she knows that he lost like all of his memories really especially with that virus in his head well it went through all of his body by now

And during this time he was not happy then he started to activate his power and said the famous line of his IT WILL BE YOUR FAULT after that his body started to become more different and his jaw just reset itself so he started to attack her with attacks that is stronger than hers I won't get too much into the fight you guys can choose how it goes

But he won the fight destroying her whole body although one part of her did escape but that's for hard to regenerate or whatever

After that he asked if they were OK then her father showed up and she hugged him and yeah awesome perhaps during the episode Uzi confessed to him and his girlfriend allowed her to be in the relationship considering he's going to probably be one of the very few people who need the most love on the planet they are on since he never had that until he met B and Cyn

So on episode two it's completely different you know without V Around you can choose if she was sort of like framed or doll thought the person who killed her parents was B but that's just so the episode can play out well it would be easier for those writing it

So no one's confused let's explore I'll explain on why she thinks it's her perhaps there was something wrong like of like some sort of Janne mean system was happening in her head where just something went wrong and it made her think B was the one who did it when in reality it was V

So she's been planning on killing B for no reason so N Had no idea but she was talking about and how J went all snake creepy on us and etc. So everything goes west end and where Uzi is told to get ready with doll and Lizzie which she thought was a nightmare especially on how she screamed

And like usual she did escape and everything to go as Cannon from Dolls house and N wanted to be Dapper he was having second thoughts and then just chose to leave then he went down and said dapper N

So when he was walking around he saw a drone that was well regenerating and he knew this was not a normal drone and he is very smart and with his virus he's able to find out information about her and he was shocked by the discovery that she was a drone that worked with Tessa and one of the few that made her or him feel something but because of the virus he can only get so much information and yeah after that he did some he helped her get her memories back and he sort of sat on her legs again she thicc

So when he was walking around he saw a drone that was well regenerating and he knew this was not a normal drone and he is very smart and with his virus he's able to find out information about her and he was shocked by the discovery that she was a ...

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