Sample of blitz's harem

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All right so I didn't really know how to do this because the story is supposed to be exactly like the pilot but there will be a few different changes and everyone is female I've also been thinking that maybe Stella shouldn't be in the Harem or maybe not the protagonist or I mean antagonist like the main ones like Stella and striker possibly mainly because the story needs to have those type of things and yeah that's what I'm thinking you can choose or you guys can choose which one

All right so anyways I think I said this before but the sample is going to be about like a few different changes I won't say many of them mainly because like it would be a while

All right so anyways perhaps like during the pilot some of the changes would be like the stola and blitz call because like there's some stuff that wouldn't make sense if it went exactly like that

And there could possibly be more changes I don't know what though

Now onto the murder family during one of her blitz set on how he will fuck and your wife perhaps fem moxxie just blushed instead of anything or out of anything pretty much wasn't even really afraid
Just was a blushing mess also Martha I don't know if she could be in the hair on because she might have a little bit of an rage and vendetta against blitzwho knows that's your choice

During the second episode blitz got a call from stola and whenever she started to say that it's for my daughter and he says make sure she washes it or something like that she was just blushing she has a little bit of a romantic type relationship for blitz I would say ever since he was a clown at the circus but that would be technically like under age or something like blitz is like three times older than Octavia but she's like 17 or 18 now well technically you're in reality of time did it go the same speed she would be 18 pretty much maybe 19
But anyways that's what happened Next really was that she was like talking to her mother about flights and that she didn't have she didn't say she had any feelings for him mainly because stola already knew how she felt about it or about him

So anyways when she started to say on how you were right you are too old for this and etc. and then she was like walking and then the end behind went with the knife and she turned into stone and she started to say that let's talk about how you feel about blitz and she was blushing and said what do you mean and then she said I know how you feel around him I've been watching how you've been talking to him and have seen how you blush around him you don't have to lie to me and she was just embarrassed at this point and you probably know what else happened like where he just came falling out of the sky and yeah

All right I think this is where I'm gonna make some time skips a little bit mainly because I don't want this to be very long so on

So anyways An episode I'm just going to skip to seeing stars I think that's what it's called so I don't know if this would count as like under age type of thing so anything like that I'll let you guys choose though if you would want to have this be a thing so perhaps when Octavia was at her age in the first place him like very young she sure did have a picture of blood since she actually like she was basically had a crush on him at that age but obviously didn't have the guts to tell him and because she doesn't know how her mother would feel especially her mother Stella but just so you know guys nothing happens mainly because for like the obvious reasons nothing happened for obvious reasons like no romantic stuff happened it was just a picture she had of us caring her and she does keep it one of the more happy moments in her life was because of blitz He was also smiling for the picture even if it's fake

But anyways during the episode I don't really know what could happen really but perhaps blitz at some point during this hugs Octavia telling on how her mother would never leave her on purpose or forget on purpose does a lot of problems are happening at the moment which Octavia also hugged him

And they were both sort of in tears while Stola was looking there with a happy look and thought this was both hot and adorable

All right so I'm just gonna do it another time skip to episode well the newest one also perhaps female Moxie's mother is still alive and well she went into hiding let's just say luckily Crimson was at the time not as good at tying tails to rocks and was really and did a terrible job with well mainly just a tail thing he did a terrible Job on her tail

All right but let's get back to episode six so on episode six I was thinking that perhaps on episode six when blitz tackled his he accidentally groped her and this thought this would make a interesting joke to make it sort of sexual considering that's what she's been all about for like the last 10 or 15 years so yeah that's pretty much what they did or she did blitz was like a little bit I don't know but he wasn't really as happy about hearing that they still started fighting

And then during the time when they were captured They started having conversation like usual I don't really know what was happening and blitz said this want me to help you out and she said yes and she was annoyed that they could've escaped along time ago out of the strings but didn't

So I'm going to skip again and well they were so having a conversation about how like blitz says you always cared about what I think and says she said aft not after what you did to me aunt everything else happened in this or pretty much everything else happened as canon with the flashback we see bullets they're looking incredibly sad and yeah I like everything else or happens as canon where we also see blitz holding a love letter and looks like as if he was going to confess to fizz

And yeah so more things do happen that's not canan where blitz sees fizz getting attacked by Striker about to get killed and she says this is this a bad time to say that I'm feeling a little wet downstairs

And everything else happens as Canaan sort of where he shoots the bomb and knocks fizz to the side and he's not going to make the same mistake he made 15 years ago so he was doing while running and jumped onto the car grabbed fizz and pulled her up and she says you blew me up again you prick and says yes but I came back this time after that she smiled and hugged him and said what does ruin the moment if we made out and she gave him that look but then sort of decided to do it like start making out in my opinion this would be the perfect chapter to actually have a female fizz and blitz make out session and I know everyone else would or should agree with me considering this is the closest blitz and Fitz ever had in a relationship and you can probably guess what else happened also Ozzie was obviously pissed

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