Sample of what I think and be good for izuku creator of the murder drones

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I changed some stuff a little bit not really changed but had to do some stuff because whenever you saw something that didn't make sense than those are typos like anything that starts with a D that doesn't make sense that meant to say drone

So deku was there sitting on like a chair with six other people standing and saying happy birthday and rei was sort of confused so she started walking and like opened up the door slowly and looked in and saw six people and her nephew so while she was looking through it she noticed the cake and it looks like it was made out of hat like most of it was made out of oil and like half of it was made out of oil and some of it was made out of real cake
Just so you know murder drones or really any drones can feed off of human blood or oil one or the other doesn't matter they can also eat real food but it doesn't give them much nutrients
She thought the cake was disgusting and didn't want her nephew to either at all so whenever she like sort of a silly walking and she made a sound the seven people turned over and saw her and one of the drones maybe V or N Had one of those like party blowers that is like it's twirled up and what you whenever you blow in it it makes a sound and something long goes forth pretty much and they were staring at her in awkwardness

Also J was carrying the cake she quickly put it down on the table and yes it was lit because all the murder Jones pretty much has a lighter as a finger which can be used as a weapon as well because flamethrower is also installed

But after that happened she quickly ran downstairs and decker on the other six drones one as well some of them shorter some of them are a little bit taller than Deku that's mainly because of how they were created

So V had the bright idea to attack rei after this happen everyone saw it and the number one here went and try to punch V after that happened her head was blown off but it quickly regenerated and all I did was piss her off more so she can also all drones can detect the weak spots of an individual so she stabbed him in his weak spot after that happened well J to curtain rope launcher she was the only one who got this one installed it was mainly for the takes things too far it's called anti-V weapon pretty much stopped her also it shoots out change to keep her there
And as you can tell he does not like that weapon at all because she says J I hate it when you do that and after that happened everyone was confused on who these people are but let's just say Deku apologized a lot to Rei because it's his fault and well and talked about how his creations on a little bit over board or at least my creation did which well let's just say they do not really like being called creations but don't show it because they want to be called girlfriends or wives

So anyways I mean characters mom got angry at him for creating murder drones and told him to go and take them to the scrap yard
Which deku was not happy about that and said you don't control me or about what ever I do what I do is my own thing that's when V started laughing like a maniac and said you didn't take care of him since he was four his creations know more about him in just a year then what you know about him when he was four
And she started to look creepily and started saying some things from Canon like about the autopsy and also gives off that very creepy grin they also kind of reveal that they were the ones behind all the mutilation and kills pretty much in alleyways and other stuff and that's whenever J or N said shut up idiot they weren't supposed to know about that then she said whatever they didn't taste that good anyway she was also kind of free now because Deku unlocked her from her strength and she like picked at her teeth also she sort of kept a human arm to chew on sort of well it's a fake human arm to hopefully keep down her blood lust
Which they were shocked by this that's whenever his sister said you eat humans also before they revealed he was their creation they thought they had a quirk that's whenever Deku said no but they do do anything to get into the bloodstream whether that be ripping humans apart or doing anything in their power I've even seen them break open a humans neck and start drinking the blood from their lungs because their lungs start filling up with their own blood that was very traumatizing to watch I was able to sleep for a long time well without the other six cuddling me

And let's just say the women that had a crush on deku and was very jealous of them and giving them murderous intentions while the other six were just blushing and the tormentor saw this and knew exactly what how they feel about Deku
But they still felt they have a better chance because they have sexual organs and that or like reproductive organs and will all of that little do they know that deku was like 100 steps ahead of them because let's just say he invented those organs whenever he like later on in the future mainly because they wanted The feeling pretty much and they can feel pain because he wanted the drones to feel emotion and that and pretty much it was the only way to give them any type of emotion
Was for that but anyways whenever Deku was like 62 years ago pretty much before the family found out he created like pretty much their breast mainly because the six drones felt inferior and they want to be pretty much better than any human female in every way shape and form so he's sort of pretty much gave them like control of how their body looks like if they want to have their body like be small like less thickness from their chest area to their thighs to their back area
They have full control over it because whenever they're fighting sometimes their own body would get in the way
But little did he know is that the whole reason why they wanted it was for like 12 years into the future little did he know they were already horny pretty much for him but knew that they can't do anything so let's just say whenever they're alone pretty much to make sure they don't do anything to him yet they just have to satisfy themselves
But yeah Deku had no idea this is why the reason they wanted it although they were telling the truth about them being inferior to some women because of their chest size and backside and thighs
And deco also sort of made reproductive organs as well for them he didn't really know what they were at the time but he pretty much sort of showed a picture of what it would look like as a robot mainly so he doesn't get in get lose his innocence
Which it completely works pretty much it functions as the real thing
Also his sister is a few minutes older than him so pretty much also we have said this to the other five drones multiple times which every time they hear it they get more concerned and like concerned about her problems more and more every single time she says it because it gets worse
But anyways so One of the tormentors or family members like the number one hero and Inko did not like how V was like threatening their daughter so they said you should just leave and be lonely for the rest of your life like most villains you deserve to rot in hell
Then she said but it would get lonely here and there and you being lonely and like after they heard the lonely part that's when are they realize what she was about to say that's whenever like the drones quickly grabbed your muffs and put them all over the children's year since and it completely locked in on the headphones and made it where is muffled you can't hear anything no matter how much you try
The drones had a fearful look on their face

so Back to what I was saying V said it gets lonely here she said with a seductive voice but after they heard that seductive voice they knew what she was going to say so they didn't put that your mess on and it was completely locked in like it's impossible to takeoff no matter how much the children try this was actually created by J and the other five drones mainly for Deku's protection i'm losing his innocence after they put it on the five drowned said oh shit with a fearful Which is obviously confused the family

The tormentor,s is trying to take it off she said whenever I'm lonely I get hungry and once I get hungry I want Lick J, N, Doll, Lizzy, and Uzi (BLEEP) before forcing them to (BLEEP) MY MOTHERBOARD THEN FORCING THEM TO LICK MY (BLEEP) AND FOR THEM TO (BLEEP) HARD-DRIVE AND FEEL THEM PENETRATE MY (BLEEP) WITH THAT LONG TONGUE AND FORCE A DYING WOMAN TO WATCH AS J LICKS MY (BLEEP) AND HEAR HER CRY LIKE A FUCKING BABY

so after that traumatizing act before they could say anything else J and end with a blush and all the other murder drones are well the drones with the blush on their face embarrassed quickly put their hands over her mouth before she can spot anything else out and just so you know that wasn't even half of the things she had to say and she was going to say the amount of things she's done with them it will go on for like hours
So N set OK I think that's enough talking for you for like the next few days also V had a heart shapes in her eyes while saying all that and still does as you can tell she's very horny

So after all that the adults don't even know what to say they are very scared of V and doesn't know what else to say after that happened the other germs took off the headphones or noise canceling us they didn't know what they were saying but whatever they said she said horrified the adults

That's it for now I might make a second part for a future version maybe

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