Sample of izuku yagi art the clown

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So whenever he went to the bathroom let's just say one of perhaps a teacher followed him to like force him into doing something that he's not comfortable with but because no one ever checks if Deku has a weapon on him because they don't think he has the guts to bring one to school After she pushed him into the stall and brought him up to her level he took out a knife and just started to slash with smile on his face and just started to repeatedly stab her and she couldn't scream out because Decker was that fast he started to devour her hearts and start nibbling on her because once again he's hungry so after that he started to wipe his face and clothing from any blood and then he walked out like nothing happened and also washed his life mainly because he doesn't want to get caught this early that's no fun in his mind

So I do a few moments after he heard someone going to the bathroom here quickly did a smile because he knows someone's gonna find it then everyone heard a scream that was around her then they came to check up on her and they screamed as well because it was the dead body of a teacher

And then the police were called many other teachers try to put the blame on deku and which they were completely right about it but The police laughed at them and made them the laughingstock of the entire school pretty much even the students laughed at them which Deku just smiled Eveline a little wave which they were now not only embarrassed but scared because he saw that evil grin on his face like he's planning on doing something

So they were just scared now and well during that day or at night time Deku saw a girl in the area will a woman I should say and he was ready to attack her because he's hungry and yeah so once he did try that offer one saw this coming and dogs and gave the boys props for having us to do that he wasn't done yet but he started to slash at her

Which she thought the boy was weak because he's six years old so whenever he tried to punch her she allowed it to her but whenever he finally punched her with his full strength she actually felt that even with shock absorption on she always has that on just in case if she come across like someone like the number one hero

She was shocked by the strength of this child and after that she held her stomach and coughed a little bit and then he need her in the face and slashed at her which she gave props to this boy and whenever she decided to try and use some sort of quirk to knock him out our main character kicked her in the leg before she could breaking her leg which she had a shock absorption on but she still felt it

And then he tackled her on the ground and he started to slash on step at her as he finally stopped her in the neck hopefully killing her he had a huge grin on his face a grin that didn't look like someone who's innocent all for one smell that this but she finally put a syringe in his neck that should knock out really anyone is trying not to knock out any normal human but he was still awake he was dizzy but still awake a little bit until he finally succumbed to it

After that happened she grabbed him and left him up by his shirt she's a little bit afraid of him but was wondering why he attacked her out of the ordinary

Then whenever she was going back to the base fem shigeraki also known as our main characters cousin

So she turned to her adoptive mother and asked who is that and she asked how did you get those injuries she pulled up someone he did this with she was shocked to see a male was able to do that to like the strongest villain of all time

And AFO said don't let his small size Confuse you or underestimate him after a little while that you woke up and saw he was being held after that he won't be Heineman punched offer one in the face watch it made her face turned around a little bit and she said ow

After that she started putting chains on him and forcing her to be connected to them also perhaps toga was also like very young and shigeraki is 11 years old at the time and is like 6 feet tall

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