Sample Part 2 of reaper x murder drones

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OK so what happens next pretty much is our main character like this is multiple episodes in the future like this is far into the future so you can choose whatever you want or you can take this idea if you would want it

But because of our main character being the smartest being in the known well not smartest but having the most advanced technology in him they went back in time to where like the party is and well everyone went with and well they'll just see Uzi as another worker drawn dressed up in you know what while

So they went far back in time like many years ago many many years ago
So while N J and V was looking down at themselves saying that they're in their old bodies which they hate and love it

And that's whenever they see our main character in a  tuxedo and if you want you can invite Doll and lizzy but anyways just so you know our main character resurrected dolls parents because he used his healing power from his core

So our main character was wearing a tuxedo and doll was on his head and Uzi and lizzy Was on his shoulders and that's what our main character said like what you see he said in a seductive tell me which made everyone blush a deep coating of red

That's whenever he was punched or hit on the head by doll remember why we're here to get back their memories let's just say this is actually an easier way to get it back

So that's whenever Tessa came in with cyn and she saw a handsome drone that she's never seen before that is like three times taller than her even like taller than her mother

He waved and said hello and he's just walking past her to say hello to the other drone but she can tell she is broken heavily but she wants to get no more about her before anything

everything happens and while cyn is there she asks if reaper and N wants to join the what I forget don't know how you say it but the the thing with her and she says like light sip I think which then she does the whole thing with climb crisscross applesauce she then asked am I not wanted reaper and N reaper then said you're of course wanted he grabbed her and put her on his head pretty much her legs over his shoulders and said you're very much wanted

So he started to walk out and many humans actually saw him and thought maybe he's a new drone product maybe he's made for heavy lifting

So he pretty much sat down on the ground because he's not risking sitting on a chair and breaking it and cyn is still on his head

That's when ever Tessa walked in pretty much and saw a new face she said N where are to him and hugged him and twirled her around then she saw someone who's like whenever he's sitting he's still taller than her she has who's the new drum and said his name is reaper which she said that's kind of odd humans don't name drones by actual names usually by letters mainly because they don't consider them humans beings then she said well reaper is well unique and doesn't really like humans very much

Which this was actually a first where she actually heard of a drones that doesn't like humans Then N grabbed Tessa's arm and told her don't have your mom see anything about getting rid of any of us well she might get killed by reaper which she was confused and ask what do you mean he has an arsenal full of weapons don't let him find out or don't let her say anything terrible about us about getting rid of us or throwing us in the dump if your mom values her life she will listen

Tested and said there's not much I can do my mom won't listen to me and there's no drone that's been known to have any weapons of any kind so she wouldn't believe me Who would believe a child and a drone at that start without seeing proof of them

Then that's whenever N said OK well we will try our best to stop him but he's way stronger than us and it will probably take multiple drones and humans to hold him down even then that wouldn't work because his body is completely armored that not even rockets was able to kill him
But we will try

She nodded with a concerned look that's whenever her mother showed up everything else goes as canon but she noticed this brand new drone she just thought that it might've been something different like a war control and that supposed to be able to lift up the tables or pretty much anything that that takes multiple drones to do to make it easier

So the mother started saying that we are not here to entertain your dumpster pets and obviously our main character heard this and his screen or eyes went red he wasn't getting up yet but that's whenever cyn pretty much crawled down reapers arm

And then after that she said that it's like throw them in to the dump or whatever she said in Canaan they weren't concerned about i'm selves they were more concerned about the woman cyn started to walk over to the woman while our main character reaper was holding her hand not letting go really but not tightly because she's very the most fragile out of them all

Then she says like we are not replaceable no more and she wasn't shocked and anger that drawn talk down to her and that and everything was going fine that's one of our main character got up and she saw a man that's pretty much taller than her or a robot that's taller than her

That's whenever reaper said do you bitch she heard that and turned around again or she looked him in the eyes actually and said what do you call me then he standard up and said you heard me you slut how she had enough it was going to walk up to him but Tessa said mom please don't that's whenever her mom had enough and slapped her that's whenever he had enough he literally grabbed her and put her in a bear hug she could feel the pain but she didn't scream out she was just trying to get unstuck that's whenever the only reason why I haven't killed you yet is because you're one of my friends mothers if so he pulled out his machine gun and ain't it her you would be dead where you stand so if you come anywhere near us like that again you'll suffer of a feet worse than death even let her go and then turn his hand into a thing then his screen went from red to blue and now she was actually scared of the drone because that's the first time she saw a drone with an machine gun for a hand

After that the drones actually breathe or let out a little breath in relief even Tessa was happy that's whenever one of the drones said your mom is lucky also just so you know Tessa's mom was still round to hear this and said that reaper she didn't know the giants name but it's reaper and every human he came across he killed either by ripping their limbs off or ripping their head off or shooting them with his machine gun she's lucky after that she was actually thankful now for the drones just trying to stop him or prewash she was thankful for the drones and her daughter more than ever

So I sort of only wanted to do this part I know this is shorter than any of my others but yeah you guys can choose what else happens

I forgot to mention this so I'm going to re-publish it but I just wanted to say that I meant to put something where like in the end our main characters also took cyn back as well

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