Sample Murder drones x male SCP 096 reader

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So our main character girlfriend broke up with him
J V and Fem N so he was very much heartbroken and distraught he didn't know what he did wrong even though they said that it's because of their work and their Job is more important than any lousy relationship

So he just sort of still acts like himself a little bit although he did definitely become a different person but V and J didn't really notice the only person who noticed a small bit but didn't think much of it yet was N

But anyways he still went to do his work like going out and doing all that pretty much although his killing intent for killing like worker Drones slowly diminished

But his feelings for killing murder drones slowly started to happen and he doesn't like it when people look at them either

The only reason why he hasn't killed the other three that's in the pod with him at all is because well he just doesn't feel like it and he doesn't want to because a waste of energy

So his body started to transform into something that's not normal the only person who notice this was N although she didn't think much of it just thing he needs time to adapt of what happened

Although as time went by his body started to look worse he's a little bit taller than the murderdrones which he was actually a little bit shorter than the murderdrones next to him but he's taller than me N thought it was just a growth spurt

More time gone past and he came home with oil coming from his mouth area or like oil stains from his mouth like he's been eating a drone but that's not normal for a human it would kill the human so she thought he must've gotten oil on him for killing a worker drones she is partly right but he wasn't killing worker drones the other kind of drones murder drones and his skin is starting to become whiter his eyes looking more emotionless by the second

And he's started showing up like coming back home less and less at some point N Heard a loud scream that was did not sound really human just thought it might've been her imagination because V and J was out hunting
Also throughout this entire thing V and J still hasn't noticed because of their job and because of V sadistic  side

But anyways N started to take pictures of Y/N while he is sleeping during night time sometimes he goes out hunting during night
But this is mainly to keep track if what she's thinking it's true that he's getting worse
She also has been measuring his height

But anyways he's been coming home later and later which is making her very concerned what he does during all those hours because there is sort of a Time limit he should be out there only because humans need to sleep

So N later on started to notice that he's been losing a lot of muscle mass and has been noticing that he's been getting a little bit less vulnerable to the cold like pretty much the cold does it affect him at all like he can literally be out there without a shirt on and all feel like summer for him

That's whenever she remembered that she hasn't filled the fridge at all which there's a special item in there for our main character or in the ship that pretty much makes food for him and well he doesn't really know how it works so like the three murderdrones are in charge of doing it but because of V and J always being focused on their job they never do it so N is the one who takes care of him technically during that time she realize that she has not filled it up in over a month possibly more

So she quickly went in there and opened it up pretty much it was like a sliding door but to her Surprise it's completely filled up like no one has touched it at all no one which that's whenever she realize he hasn't eaten anything in so long which now she is having anxiety right now concerned about his health and pretty much everything because he never looks like this before

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