Sample of N as waltz frm dying light 2

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So everything goes as canon where murder trumps was sent from earth to Raticate all drones well worker drones also N has always thought male drones always had that part of them

So N was doing what he did in Canaan whenever he first met Uzi Also she knows a lot more about the reproductive system on humans because she found a book on it or leisure say because of humans been on the planet she found a dirty magazine when she was outside during the day this is the only time drones or workers can be out

So whenever she was tackled and while after she was tackled she looked underneath him and while saw something she's never saw any other drone because well Drones don't usually have well male drones don't usually have privates

But anyway she got back from her own world she kicked him there and he felt that and she didn't really want to but then she didn't see another way of getting out then she hit him with an arm

Everything happens as canon where Uzi puts her hand in N mouth and he says well I like try new things

And well everything so it goes as canopy and said one of the parts Uzi asked so why do you have that he looked around them and asked what them she was going to possibly regret this but it was the only way and then she was just saying Brandon said this and then he blushed a little bit and said doesn't all males have them and she said all male humans but not male drones she also had a huge purple blush on her face or screen

Also after Uzi hit him with an arm he remembers a little bit about how he was called a
breeding or sex drone

So he says I don't know much about it but after you hit me with that arm I remember about a little bit about my past and I was called a breeding or sex strong or whatever those two words mean which Uzi I knew exactly what those words meant and she was not very happy with humanity because they were creating those type of drones now

Although he did look like a cinnamon roll and did not want him to be corrupted really so she said all right but what you just said explains exactly why you have that part of your body

so anyways everything else happens as Canon where
J and V came back V said idiot get out here N said well they're here I think you'll love them then Uzi was just going back to her coloney

PS the drones are THICC Sorry I had to put that in all caps but you can't have a murder Drone harem story without them being thick I learned that on my first murder drone harem story

So yeah just get this out of the way whenever Uzi hit him with an arm it didn't at all hurt him because of the inhibitors but still was strong enough to make him start rebooting and that was with her full strength

So J and V saw the drone running although she is somewhat having a hard time to run because once again she be THICC But yeah she was managing very well J and V again saw the worker drone and V said I cannot wait to test balloon animals with her or whatever she said I can't really remember

And everything else happens as canon where N got hit but that made the hand actually break that was slapped that's mainly because of his inhibitors he took he took like dozens of them possibly hundreds

But yeah his head didn't move but he was rebooting and he saw everything that happened where it went all the way to where it said once a company is done with you they're going to scrap you and your two friends

Also a little do they know that they're actually being watched by a humanoid volatile well a volatile I should just say which it was growling and it got an interest on our main character but a bloodthirsty one end it looks just as white sort of as the snow not really white but it was blue as well pretty much

So anyways he started talking about how he left some thing or a weapon or something like that and V shut up a flag that said insanely suspicious now N was just being followed by this creature but the creature knew that if it attacked now it would get killed very easily

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