Sample of The fanon VHS demon

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So this is just something that could happen in the future with the Upper moon meeting

So this will happen in future chapters but anyways so what happens is perhaps well the lower moons or what's left of them and the newest one is sort of a team now and they live in the same house same with the mother and sister of fem rui

So VHS enjoys sleeping most of the day and even at night sometimes even though the sun doesn't affect him but that's basically because of his blood demon art Not because it's just part of his well it's part of his ability but he's just able to stay out in the sun if he wanted to but let's just see if the demon queen to try and absorb more devour him it would work just as well as The demon queen eating a normal human

So pretty much the lower moons started to work together especially the newest one because let's just say the demon queen saw potential in the ball girl The girl who always wanted to be part of the 12 moons

But how they work together is that they live in the same house so it's like a Hashira attacks they can defend it off well they know they can easily defend it off because of VHS

So during one Of the days when let's just say VHS Was just sleeping in a burrito blanket pretty much pretty much he wrapped himself up like a burrito while the girls or the other lower moons are out hunting because they know he just doesn't need to fight or training at all to become number one because they remember or know exactly what happened between their lord or mistress I should say and VHS

so During this time they were all summoned all the upper moons and lower moons or summoned there the reason behind it was because well everything happened sort of in like season three episode one where akaza she thought someone was able to kill an upper rank

The lower men's were wondering why they were here they aren't really afraid of being near like the upper ranks mainly because VHS taught them in his fight with their literal boss and technically executioner if you do something wrong to be brave at least that's what they learned from the fight especially the other lower moon with like horns and I think the only female lower moon normally if she was in the situation she would just be scared out of her mind but now she no longer feels that way

Although the lower moves were looking around wondering where VHS was that's whenever one of them looked up at a falling burrito demon who is just snoring with a smile on his face that's whenever Rui used her blood demon art and she didn't make the string sharp

And she caught him before he fell down to the hard ground after that he woke up from The pressure of him like getting caught on the strings

After that he got out of his blanket The permits were wondering why lower limbs were there although daki Having a good ego or having like possibly the biggest ego out of all of them and wanting to act all tough she pretty much thought it would be interesting to make fun of the seventh lower moon and sun why someone week as you are here but that's whenever many of the other alarms looked at her with murders intention which she was actually scared because let's just say she might be One of the six upper moons

But she is weaker than any of the lower moons she sees before her and she is actually scared of them although because of her upper rank status she try to act not scared but the lower moose can see right through her until that she is scared

But after that I guess everything can sort of go as canon a little bit where Akaza she asked why they're here and asked where is Kokoshibo don't tell me she is the one who got killed

Gyokko I can't remember when she showed up but she shows up exactly like in Canaan

douma also shows up and said exactly and canon saying like how are you not happy or worried about seeing me that makes me really sad because I was worried about you she also gave a menacing glare to the lower moons that were standing right by each other but they did not look intimidated at all looking at one of the strongest upper moons but what they did look like they were ready to attack her which is sort of dead shock her because any lower moon she has met usually just ran away even if she had no intentions to attack them

But they were looking with no fear although she saw a small lower moon which was alarm and seven and said and well she said my my you're quite small for them and quite handsome and yeah that's what she said you can choose what else happens

But what happens next is she looks at Gyokko so she said whatever she said and canon but that's whenever she said how long has it been 90 years and etc.

So I'll be honest I don't know how upper four would work as a female really I will be honest

so Akaza asked her to put her hands off her also let's just say Akaza is basically bisexual so yeah she lost her wife the same way in Canaan
So she punched upper two in the face pretty much but she healed that after that that's whenever the girl who summoned them there said for your comment about Kokoshibo earlier she's been here she's actually the first I summoned here

And everything goes as canon except our main character usually upper one actually is very much aware where everyone is but lower seven is different like he went very fast well fast enough to were he was like right next to upper one and she had no idea while she was talking he said that's a cool sword you got there which she was shocked that the lower seven was right behind her and she had no idea although this actually made her very angry that someone that was like 12 ranking is lower than her was able to get past her sight so easily

So they all noticed that every well all the upper moons are completely fine no one is injured or killed or anything like that they were wondering why they were summoned here

After that that's whenever the demon queen herself showed her self and said the reason why I summoned you are here was because I haven't seen you all make any progress the only ones I have seen made progress on at least something are the lower moons they've gotten way stronger than the last time I saw them which I am very pleased to see them working harder although this actually made like all the upper moons jealous and mad because their Lord is praising the lower moons

Bye I'm still disappointed and all of you you haven't found any sightings on the blue spider lily you haven't found it yet which I am very disappointed that you haven't found any traces of the flower she had a look of anger in her eyes

After that let's just say VHS wanted to say something or while he did say something that did anger her a little bit so she went very fast and removed his head although he his body was still standing which no upper moon is able to do this not a single one of them is able to

After that he still had a smile and wasn't sweating whatsoever while he was not because of fear but because he was well I don't know he's just sweating for some reason

After that he decided to make a , And said you know I asked to lose weight but this is not what I meant there's a few people that heard this those who have good hearing like Kokishibo her eyes widen in horror and fear a little bit because well this lower ranking literally just talked without being talked to and made a comment like that but for some reason she didn't even kill him she's just sighed and dropped his head one of the lower molars cut the head though and gave it back to him after that he put his head back on and well I don't really know what else can happen but I'll let you guys choose

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