Sample of N the murder volatile

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So after he fainted he woke up a few hours later after his two companions doesn't know if he can call them that But they woke him up pretty much and he had a headache they have noticed that he's been acting weird or than normal

But just thought perhaps something is happening or somethings on his mind but it was night time perhaps this could be like a few years or like something before the Pilot

So V and J left to hunt and once they left before they could see him sort of transform a little bit more he screamed out a little bit in pain breathing in and out heavily but then got back up he's not really feeling very good

So after that he started to well walk not feeling like flying so he then found another murder drone and this one worker John sitting on the ground and this was like a few miles away he ran very fast as well

And Nori went out to fix her daughter because if she doesn't find the right materials she will die and Khan decided not to go even though he's supposed to be the husband he's just afraid of death and she was very angry at them and had one of those murderous looks I said once I get back or if I do I'm going to torture you for the next few days she said with one of those murder drone smiles and she was not looking happy although she was then afraid but that's whenever our main character started to transform again and he grew bigger at least he's as tall as a human if he was standing upright maybe even taller

But perhaps there is like trucks around as well that was made for carrying things around so he jumped and before the drunk could've killed her and the drone or the murderer drawn did have a smile on his face but they heard a loud bam sound then they looked at where it was and they saw this random murder drone with its jaw like unhinged or like words goes to the side and I screamed at the Murder Drone Landing Pods jumped and pounced on him and started to scratch at him and the drone was killed in less than three seconds also the reason why she was dying or the daughter was is because something happened to her chest area or like she's losing too much oil I was gathering oil and gave and arm and character ripped out the core and gave it to her because

She will need it because if she dies she needs a core to pretty much revive her and she remembers exactly what the drone looks like although he looked very muscular and pretty much she can easily remember what the drone looks like and I make sure it was also starting to eat the drone And after that happened she got everything she needed and ran home then N after he was a while away he felt a sharp pain and started to breathe in and out and then fell over although he's learning on how to use his abilities even more or at least learning on how to take control when it's truly needed

And after that he woke up a little while later on the snow so he started to look at the moon and it's like in the sky pretty much it is getting a little bit close to day but he has a little while also let's just say nori and khan broke up well got a divorce I should say
Not only because he rather let his daughter die then risking his own life out there with her because they both were going to go if it wasn't for our main character giving her that core her daughter would've been dead let's just say there was something on his chest that had a name and it said SD.N

Which that was his name and she knew it but he just jumped away or ran away faster than she could or really anyone can it's impossible to follow him and foot so she head back and yeah

Luckily her daughter was alive and both were not happy at their father and ex-husband

So anyways this has been going on for years and N has like changed like he still sort of acts normal but at some point he doesn't and at some point J actually started freaking out about his new behavior she decided to pretend to fall asleep for like the entire day and N didn't actually know

So she had some sort of fake thing on her screen that said sleeping mode or some thing when her reality was just fake and she was looking at N and nothing happened for about an hour and whenever she decided that she will just now go to sleep somethings started to happen N screamed a little bit and started breathing heavily look at his arms which she was concerned he was wondering what happened

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