Sample of murder drone N the engineer harem

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OK so I'm not gonna make like a two hour summary of this at all so anyways I'm just going to cover the gala episode and as for the rest you can choose on however it goes even though this is just supposed to be story ideas

So anyways on the episode anime character sort of lost his memories and wanted to know more like I'm talking about during the gala

So in episode five our main character does everything as in Canaan although perhaps for people of his harem decided to come over and visit and perhaps she didn't know what was actually going on but his harem does so anyways they showed up at the Cyn scene and they know about him being neglected so they relationship with anyone at the mansion is not really good especially with humans

So everything goes as canon and perhaps his harem shows up as well and they transferred their mind into the whole system although they know this is a memory even though they don't have their powers they still have their fighting techniques

So yeah they are also incredibly agile and right now they are physically stronger than N right now because he has noodle arms right now sort of

So while he was reading this his girlfriends were trying to climb through the roof and the clumsiest one of them all which is if you look back at the story idea chapter and you see one of the lesbians yeah they are lesbian I think that's might be canon I'm not too sure it's also possible that they are sisters I am not too sure

But the one who has lighters like skin color she's the clumsy or one and she sort of got in stock and they were trying to pull her in during this time they were listening to N saying J Drew herself he laughs pretty much been completely unaware of what she said

They at the wall instead of it going onto the paper stack it actually went and hit one of the terms of the face and they read it and they were mad even at the mansion he cannot get a break

After that they were up behind them and hug them and squished him between the top half and he was saying on how he can't breathe and after that they just said we missed you and then he said why are you doing here I don't know how they're going to feel about seeing drones that don't look exactly normal

Then he said well we always wanted to meet your friends and they said that with a little bit of venom because they have to do not like them at all considering of what he's heard about them he doesn't like them because of everything he's heard possibly about them and how they're not even nice people like at all

So anyways after that he came in and Cyn was about to say big brother N but before she could she noticed multiple females she asked who they are he decided to save the truth or parts of it and said that they are new drones and well more advanced than us and she was very much jealous because she saw the more innocent one holding him to chest everything goes as canon and she says climb crisscross applesauce am i not wanted N

So after this she said you know how Tessa's folks are and he picked her up and hugged her with well little bit of the looking disapproval of his girlfriends

So after that they put her down and N down and they were walking their way towards Tessa and the whole conversation with J and Tessa happened and once N got interview she squealed and said his name and she hugged him and after that she asked who did you bring and then she looked over and saw five drones although there's only one she noticed and she said you after that she looked at the other four and they were taller than any other drones around them even taller than Tessa she has on who they are and no matter how much they dislike her a lot they decided to be nice though at least in front of N

They said their names which if you can't think of any names or can't figure it out you can give them random ones

So after that they said OK after that that's whenever Tessa's mother showed up and she said we are not here to entertain your dumpster pets and she was also not allowed to repair any drive-ins and then that's whenever she said or everything goes as Ken where she says for her to dispose of like I think drones from the library

But after that that's why I went to his girlfriends talked back to her and she went up to her and said what did he say after that she started saying other stuff and Tessa's mom was getting even more mad and started to talk back and after that she had enough and grabbed Tessa's mom by the throat and lifted her up choking her with one hand and for once in her life she was afraid of a drone that was trying to get out and after that N asked her to put her down and she listened and whispered and said if you dare go near me or my family and then like that I'll break your legs and force you to eat your fingers or other stuff pretty much

I'll be honest I have no idea and really what else could happen but let's just say in the fight scene with Cyn she got her ass handed to her

Also just so you know on the next like part or pretty much Tessa's mother was still afraid of the black skin I'm not trying to be racist or anything but I don't know their names or if they even have a name so I'm just gonna call him by what their skin color really is just so I don't even know their names

But she's the one who held her by the neck but she still has a little like PTSD from her afraid of germs a little bit at least her type of drivers not regular workers but she was still able to act normal and then that's whenever the job that left the truck just busted right through the door when I mean busted like I mean broke through it her physical strength is a lot

Whenever she saw that drone again she was scared she did not look happy either

Once again you can choose what else happens I don't really know what else could happen

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