Sample of Betrayed G-man part 2

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So I sort of thought of some other things this one might be very short I don't know

But after he left he consider that a huge win not only because he got what rightfully belongs to him back but he managed to piss off the Titans which is fairly hard to do well unless if your speaker woman then she's easily pissed off as from episode 57 has shown well whenever she destroyed or at least damage the plunger cameraman

But anyways our main character was using the speakers and sort of a different way I wasn't going to use them basically for combat but because let's just say he's using this for like research solos because he's trying to sort of replicate the teleportation thing because I can come in useful especially when he might make an army which I will get to later

But he is going to use the speakers for combat but not the other ones because let's just say a part of that is hooked up to some sort of thing but basically he will be doing research on it

But yeah Titan TV cinema man/woman obviously won't like a Hell her a price for used against them like she already knows about it but with the G now she is just upset and mad that's with him of all people she would've preferred of being with a mad scientist which it technically is with one

Let's just say 90% of the time when they're at homebase the brown cameraman just can't stop basically hugging him basically cuddling up to him basically giving him the snuggles she wish TV woman would've done to her he doesn't stop her mainly because they're a team and he knows what she went through because she has talk to him about it which is why he is more well he can handle her like a lot more with her actions basically I don't know how are you say it but he can basically handle her personality or actions

But he she also gives him kisses let's just say they do sort of have nails but they're able to like I don't know how they can have mouths they do I just don't know how

But there's something else they do or have been experimenting on one of the crimes the G-man could have well he does is actually sort of kidnapping but not like children or anything like that but cameramen any type of speaker men and TV men

If you're wondering why well let's just say he's running some experiments What the experiments are doing is basically torturing to them until they become like nothing but mindless zombies basically which let's just say the allies are not gonna be happy also this also includes toilets so the scientist toilet and the Titans are not gonna be happy the scientist toilet is going to have regrets betraying G-man considering of half the things he's done he's been able to destroy the alliance in multiple battles when he's by himself basically or whenever he's thinking for himself and not having anyone hold him back

Also I was thinking of some other characters who could join him basically they are actually sort of survivors from the first part or the first start of the war what I mean by that is basically they survived every single war they haven't died once well obviously they haven't died once you can only die once but what I mean is they haven't they've been through every single war from the very start to the present

Also I was thinking of some other characters who could join him basically they are actually sort of survivors from the first part or the first start of the war what I mean by that is basically they survived every single war they haven't died once ...

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