Sample of blitzo the tyrant Mr. X

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So while he was walking around that's when he heard sirens go off then he looked at the bell and he completely forgot about extermination day because he is walking around with his new luxe in new body then after a few seconds after the bell he felt a holy spirit pierce him but he then turned around and saw the angel he grabbed the angel by the head and walked out into the open where there's many other exterminators they see one of their sisters since every exterminator is actually female and Adam is the only male exterminator

But they saw him holding her head and he completely crushes it with one hand and threw her on the ground

They were very upset so they wanted to attack him but he started to punch them in every punch either caved in their head or completely decapitated him even though he's using like no strength anytime they get a stab through his heart or head he reacts like it's just a flesh wound he just walks it off that's whenever they think that they need to overpower him with a lot of holy magic with multiple holy spears

So let's just say 20 exterminators surrounded him and stabbed him but all that did was make him in rage and one of them pierced his hat and now he was mad so out of the fit of rage he grabbed an exterminator head and ripped it off and started using the body as a weapon and he's also using his feet which every kick felt like you're getting hit by a truck

So after that happened he started walking even more after pick up his fedora then he heard a female demon scream and she was asking Rosie to let her in and he saw two exterminators there smiling ready to kill her and she actually had tears so before they were able to stab her a random demon showed up and took the stabs to the chest and he picked up the female exterminators holding their head and they were screaming in pain until he finally crushed their heads like they were grapes

And let go with your lifeless body so then he turned around and saw the female demon who had tears and the look of hope after that happened he started taking her somewhere else although Franklin knew that Rosie would hunt her down because it's obvious she wanted her dead so she took off her clothing and put it onto another female human who was dead there to make it look like she died and because let's just say many of the cannibals or Hellborn cannibals there have like it's gonna be hard to tell because I don't wanna say all females look the same but the cannibals with how they wear their clothing look the same

So he was taking her to a safe area an abandoned area although he's like very tall way taller than she is although when she sees his muscle she's just blushing even though he's completely bald because his hat was knocked off because one of the angels was trying to escape by grabbing his face and knocked his head off on accident

He still look very handsome although she can see the emotionless and heartless and cold expression on his face because she's seen it so many times white while being a cannibal and cannibalizing other people

So he picked her up bridal style and she can feel his hands which are very very rough and now she understands exactly why he was able to crush their heads with one hand

So he took her to a safe area so known as a abandon house

so the entire extermination he was killing exterminators left and right so during his time in hell he's already killed 10% of the exterminators in the extermination process and many of them have saw many of their dead sisters either with their heads completely crushed or with like hearts missing because he's strong enough to punch a hole through your chest

They are wondering who has done this and let's just say Adam is not very happy for what a demon has done to his descendants then that's whenever they heard a loud female scream they saw an angel having her head held and then he jumped down on another one completely killing her because of his weight and strength and he crushed that females head and threw her on the ground and before Adam was about to attack out of a fit of rage and that's whenever the portal has opened and the fireworks started and he started looking up and he was now even more angry because he can't give revenge because if he does there's a good chance he'll be stuck down there till the next extermination but he wasn't done yet our main character after the exterminator started leaving he started picking up like small rocks and throwing them any and either crushing them to make them into like shotgun pellets every single time he threw them he might kill an exterminator on the way of getting back to heaven

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