Sample Izuku yagi Creator of the Murder drones part 2

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So Deku after the conversation they still here while he still live together with his parents but anything his mother makes he doesn't like it at all that's because well the murder drones have been taking care of him and feeding him pretty much and he has been enjoying the stuff they make more so the taste of his mothers food has gotten like stale for him

So maybe he pretends to eat it I don't know or maybe he just refuses it pretty much inko is filing a ton of machines for her son's love and the machines are winning by a lot more they've been winning for the last like four years so the mother fight and who gets to have them as their mother has been going on for like six years after Deku turned eight possibly even weigh more I'd say probably like an extra eight years the mother fight has been going on and they've won every single battle they've been in sort of weather coming to food or gifts because Deku doesn't want any old gift but because he was created or he created the drones they know exactly what he likes and wants all the time

Which obviously inko really is not happy she has also sent like people who take like the garbage company or so like or dismantling company who dismantled machinery or something like that or pretty much like pretty much those who take scrap and yeah which she also pays paid them all $1000 per like metal piece that they have gotten pretty much

Little did they know that these machines were pretty much made to kill females and having higher IQ of Einstein
To pretty much kill everyone there which obviously they did and drink their blood and ate their body parts pretty much like anything they didn't eat the bones of the everything else

Which she wants to talk to the heroes or like heroes about it and the hero commission but they would probably think she's insane like saying that her 12 year old boy created these creatures or these machines that are sentient like she was sound crazy that a boy did this they will probably just laugh at her and make her the laughingstock of Japan

Also he has made upgrades to the drones multiple times like having a sort of DNA inspector or something that can inspect materials and learn new things of what you create out of them and yeah it was mainly us also maybe they can he can help or they can help make blueprints for machinery and on him or them helping him

Which he was getting them ready for The battle exams
Also the number one hero he tried to give his quirk to his son but he refused because he doesn't wanna be here anymore he wants to help his future wives become heroes he's also still very dense like he was from eight years ago he is like 16

He also created parts of their body where they can train and still gain the training like normal humans they also have a part of their body where they can actually take quirks and analyze them into their system kind of like all for one but better or maybe that's the ability actually from like Lizzie Uzi and Doll

Because they need special abilities in my own opinion I just think it will be better
So yeah he's been installing different powers or well abilities into them like speed boost cooling fans or like just a ton of a lot of upgrades that shouldn't even be possible to human science knowledge like the technology he has is like possibly a few thousand years old had of them which means that if he sold his technology to them he can make billions possibly over $1 trillion but he his in his mind
His technology is more important than money and it would feel like selling his friends a way to who knows where was it made them like him even more because he doesn't like it and besides who knows what they'll do with the technology

He also made multiple artificial cloning bodies pretty much so if they get killed their mind will instantly be transferred and he made them an artificial soul is pretty much like a fake saw that is pretty much a real one and that's what transfers to the mind
Pretty much he did everything that should be impossible for one human

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