Sample of deku dying light

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So anyways females have managed to build settlements but they're not as strong and sturdy as The men that built it but that's only because they knew how to survive from a young age either being abandoned or just being abused on a daily basis do you know how to survive

So Walts has this team of renegades and females can join as long as they prove that they don't care if females are you know as long as I don't think females are superior which they know because like pretty much they will know if that's the case after having them in the group for multiple days and yeah

And because females are thinking they're superior there's no men in the female settlements and some of the ways you can make like the strongest weapons alleys by making it without like technology and other stuff like that

Would be with volatile parts both females and males does know how to make them but it's very hard to kill volatile's like females have to wear them into traps which sometimes fails and sometimes work

As for males they sort of sometimes just go and like not groups but like they surround the creatures sometimes but they usually call for back up which they've never been able to do it on their own usually but when Dekku and waltz is there there hope skyrockets to 100% knowing that he's going to rip them to shreds

Both of them are faster stronger and pretty much better than volatile's but that's mainly because they're actually infected but for some reason they never turn instead it turned into a super power and other males have been seen being able to take down volatile's multiple times by themselves only a few times now they've also been seen being able to rip off one of their arms easily

And well it's pretty much in the middle of the day and there was a female on a watch tower also our main characters parents regrets doing all those things including the tormentors nezu has actually met waltz before but that's mainly because he was brought in and had a good talk and had a chest game with nezu which he won every single time very easily as well

But anyways let's just say intelligence quirks are the only ones that never gone away which is the only reason why they were able to build settlements without it they would probably be dead

Also nezu it's sort of like the principle of like training students and past heroes who have experience trains them as well to fight or to shoot bows

But anyways Well some were using binoculars they notice a random person or multiple people in the distance that's on a working truck or car which they haven't seen one ever since the outbreak

And it was the renegades which are also allied with the survivors which has like usually like a ton of quirkless women or some people that just never really hated males they would know because they are very intelligent and knows if someone's lying

So multiple renegades got out and these two people that's not wearing the clothing got out and renegades was just putting their arms against the vehicle waiting for them to get done with whatever they're doing some females said what the heck are those stupid males doing

Then they started to walk into the area then they started giggling and laughing saying are they crazy it would be better to go there at night time where there's no volatile's they're going to get ripped to shreds

So a few minutes happened and that's whenever they saw some or just heard somethings far away it was like yelling then they put their binoculars on and saw where it was coming from then they just saw one of those creatures get thrown out of the tunnel still alive that's whenever one of them came out and lifted it up and broke its neck and there were multiple being thrown out because they've killed some of them which they were shot by seeing how two males were easily able to kill those creatures with little to no effort

After that happened one of them was still keeping watch and they told like the person who's in charge of the place or of like area I don't know what it's called

Maybe they talk to nezu and said this is something you want to see and hear and she said OK what is it and start explaining on how these two males went into one of the hives and slaughtered so many of them easily without any weapons and that called their eye so they sent so many strong soldiers who survived multiple attacks against zombies or men

So while this was happening they were loading up the corpse's into the truck and izuku and his father were having some bonding Time

So that's whenever well I know there was like I said there was like nope they haven't seen cars working in a while but let's just say it was a military car they didn't haven't seen work in a while so they were pretty much on the car and they were driving there that's whenever they the renegades took out their weapons getting ready just in case and that's why I never many females got out which they were not really happy to see them and that's why I wanted the renegades said what the fuck do you want

And One of the females said for you to give us all those volatile corpses that's whenever the principal said that's not how we talk

So that's whenever inko and toshi got out of the car and recognized his face which they said waltz is that you and he was not really happy to see them and he said Who are you and said their names and he was definitely not happy neither is his son

And now he was just upset and the principal also looked at him because they were pretty much once friends at least

So our main character put his fingers in his pocket and our main character said what do you want do you need something do you want to try and fight us

Many of the females did not like how he was acting superior and that's when our one of them asked who are you and he said his name but after that they were like our main characters biological mother's or well mother and her wife we're happy that he's there as well and they asked for him to come back and said you already chose a path and I've already chosen mine

Well said the same thing and then Walt was walking back words and that's 101 the female stopped him and grabbed his arm which I felt like grabbing a brick and he said can I help you with something

And said you're giving us those bodies or else then he said look I don't want any trouble but if you try and forcefully take those bodies I will kill everyone here except points at the principal and the other two he doesn't care about them he just wants them to suffer more and it won't be much fun if they die

So after that the female thought he was joking so he she punched him in the face and her arm just broke on impact which let's just say one of the females also put Deku in handcuffs and he broke out of them as well and after that they started to attack the females pretty much and smack them and every hit pretty much instantly kill them usually although there are some that didn't die on impact with their slash or punches

Then he said I warned you and they were shocked by his strength because no human should have this type of strength not even one human he then said this will be my last warning leave or die

They took back the corpses afraid and left and they left their own Waze and the two females were just crying because they lost their son and husband again

Once I got back they were caring corpses and some people that are alive and some that's just dead

And after that happened they asked what happened and nezu said waltz and izuku did this they were shocked that male did this like the three of them who knew waltz in the past knew he had in human strength like it's not natural for a male to have that much strength but he's stronger than ever

Although the sisters did not actually gain his strength because mainly they had quirks

And that's it for now

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