Sample of Brown cameraman the evil engineer

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So where we last left off was him talking to him talking to but basically him being kidnapped without consent but apparently his best friend in it you know what connecting was apparently because she thought it was fine that is her best friend he wouldn't mind he very much does

So how is this chapter will work possibly I might make small short parts basically whenever the next episode comes out it will continue off of this sample pretty much if I remember which I most likely will

So where we start off is well TV titan woman saved many people but like I said before this is going to be a short chapter

So basically brown and plunger are basically in the same glitch toilet pretty much mainly because it was her job to keep an ion him as many other people know how much he's been trying to escape he's been almost successful many times but has always been caught

So when she and her best friend was in the glitch toilet mainly because her best friend was making it hard for her to focus because of him struggling to get out

She basically was stopping him from struggling by walking his head and body together with her thick thighs also stopping him from talking just so she can focus even though it wasn't as better it was still make her focus easier she once again force his head between her crotch as well

So like an episode 67 part four or five I can't remember I think it was 4 but anyways at some point the glitch toilet was shot down Brown suffered more injuries then plunger

And whenever she was getting herself out of The toilet with her brother she also have these straps where basically it puts her Best friend strapped like around her front area it was basically shoved in between her chest area and whenever she was running to the area and did a somersault I think that's what it is to get in with her brother she grabbed the plunger and I think the guy with the red shirt or whatever well first of all let's just say he's also gender bent as well the same with the other one

So she also asked her brother he was ok He didn't say anything as still being very upset he has it or hasn't escaped

Also I wonder if the guy would like the red pinkish suit or whatever is actually working for dafuq like we've seen Brown and him so many times ever since like episode one and two we've seen them there's a good chance that he is the one who's been bringing them back the entire time

That's it for now

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