Sample of art the clown x murder drones

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So while he was looking at his surroundings he was walking down and let's just say I'm murder drone mistake him for a worker then after he he did so he sort of rubbed it off and said my bad

That's whenever our main character got up and then went behind him and slit his throat and he was now choking on his own oil he saw the human he stabbed in the chest or stomach area was still moving very well and smiling and he was in shock and asked how then he died

And our main character art was covered in blood well oil I should say so then another drone came out of no where And went to attack our main character he grabbed his or her hand she tried to kick him and like just her other hand he caught her punch or 10 other hand and she couldn't he was super strong and he ripped her apart

After that he took the body and like started wearing it pretty much and let's just say the three main murder drones of the pilot saw this and thought what is he and like they were sick to their stomach at seeing this like V knew this was going to far for anyone even herself she would not go this far she's not that insane but this human made her insanity look like child's play compared to his sadistic nature then he started to like rip off her head and wall her hair and started wearing it like a wig and still have that tan smile and looked at them and he waved with his fingers and then he started to walk away or like dance away after that they did not want to see him ever again because they are actually terrified of that guy

So yeah that was a few weeks ago also the reason why he wasn't cold is because well his body isn't really normal anymore so he's in a building pretty much right now and it's night time so he decided to go out to hunt for some more fresh prey

That's when he saw a worker which he smiled but he wasn't gonna hurt her because it's just a worker job she's harmless well not really harmless but isn't like murder drones

so he was following behind her but our main character still felt like some sort of connection with those three murder trials which is why he didn't kill them off because he was curious on why he feels those connections because it's been many years it's been like 20 years since he has seen those three drones

So after that happened he saw N getting ready to attack Uzi but he went behind her quickly and put his arms underneath her arms keeping her locked in place and Uzi smacked her with a hand pretty much which had her start rebooting that's whenever Uzi asked who are you he just stayed quiet and wrote his name on a piece of paper and he smiled back with that old smile of his and showed it my name is art the clown

She felt a little bit weird and her body told her not to trust him which I don't blame her so after that happened she rebooted completely both turned to where she was being rebooted and said did you hit me with that arm and she couldn't tell who our main character was but she said you look a little bit too tall to be a murder drones are you a new brand he smiled and did a thumbs up

OK then and she everything else pretty much goes as canon she starts talking and our main character it's just they're being quiet if you would want him to talk more you can do so but after all that happened let's just say our main character being sort of a child is also sort of laying on N lap Felt very soft

Which obviously she blushed about because no one ever did this before ever he just feels a connection between them but he doesn't know why

Then that's whenever the other murder drones showed up so our main character grabbed Uzi They both start it while he ran towards the colony and he was super far away so they couldn't tell if who he was they just thought it was another worker

Then once he got there everything else happens as canon that's whenever N showed up and jabbed her arm into our main characters like stomach and stabbed Uzi in the shoulder

After that happened everything else sort of goes as canon but our main character got back up and had a huge smile on his face and N was actually scared so when he was about to walk forward he was shot right in the head well right through the head he still had a smile for some reason which this usually doesn't happen when humans get shot in the head

Let's just say that even now that he's dead they were still like shook and up because they were still scared of seeing him after that happened everything goes as canon where J infects N with a virus and everything goes as cannon and Uzi got up and saved him and she looked at art which she was shocked that he was still smiling even though he was shot in the head like I am talking about like he was smiling even after he died

After that N said there's something you should know about him the first time me and my team well my old team saw him he had another murder drone strapped around him the murder Joanne was dead and scalped her and started acting like he was dancing with her corpse the only thing I can see of him is that he was a monster

She was shocked that the person she signed was saved by was pretty much like this

She was still sad and the same with N a little

So after they left a few seconds later he gotten up from his nap you can call it and he was still smiling so he stand up and started walking in as well

So everything goes as canon like one of them calling him a traitor and then before they could fight that's whenever I have like everyone besides the two merge on saw the clown with like the bullet hole in his head and he grabbed the both of them by the throat and he was smiling they were shocked to see this human still alive after getting shot right through the brain he was smiling and he threw them on the ground but they quickly got back up and dodged not wanting to be hurt

Although the two drones were having PTSD because of what they saw all those weeks ago

So The fight was going on for a while but they eventually one and J and V was tied up to art

Which they rather be tied up on a land of mind then Bill next to him but they didn't really have a choice they were now completely scared out of their mind because he was holding them and yeah he was being also a huge creep a little bit as well mainly because he enjoys seeing the panic look on their face and well yeah

Although they were blushing and you're probably knowing where they touch them sometimes it was an accident sometimes it was on purpose but it was just to make them freak out a little bit afraid of what he's going to do because he's heavily unpredictable they know that for a fact so he climbed on N or held her legs and yeah everything else goes as canon whenever she was talking about killing every human our main character just smiled even wider

So then a little so they were still stuck with our main character they were tied down except they were not like tied towards him anymore which they were happy about but he was still leaning over them with his smile look at the both of them and he did do you like thumbs up and that pretty much they were scared he also still kept that we're gone and he also wears it whenever he's around them because they would get they would freak out because that's the same week they saw all this weeks ago either way they're scared

That's it for now I don't know what else to put in really

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