Sample of Alternate version of N The demon drone in disguise (added more)

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OK so one more thing that you can do so well not really one more thing you can do but let's just say their obsession with N well The daughters obsession with him is worse than Sierra and Cody from total drama island

But anyways like get on with it this is just gonna be what could happen so anyways our main character N Like I said before he was always bullied even though he was in denial I'm going to try and keep the short mate mainly because I don't really know on how this could happen but at some point let's just say the daughters became so obsessed with him to the point where they wanted to put some sort of camera on him anytime the CEO or mother try to take care of their obsession always ended up with them being even more obsessed

But anyways so The daughters when they were watching him they found out on how his teammates treated him and they were not happy they showed their father this and wanted them dismantled and scrapped and used as upgrade parts for N and he said all right he was also really mad at them I'm talking about The other dissembly Jones they were mad he was mad at them for treating their friend or so this way he wanted to have them dismantled to like he still didn't care for him not because of his daughters but mainly because he always enjoyed his company even helped him out in the worst times especially when his wife and him almost got a divorce he managed to fix it which is when their friendship started and is why he trust them with their daughters or should I say that's why he trusts him with like is the other way around I should say he trusts his daughters with him pretty much

But after that we should ask him he said and they thought he might say yes to the idea but when he talked about it they said no but after some talking they sort of finally got through to him making him pool now understand that they never cared about him but he still so that he doesn't want to see them killed wish that made the daughters sad mainly because that would be one less rival but he said something that made them smile he wants to give them back the pain tenfold

Which made them smile very creepy the father of the two was just scared and doesn't know how to act except just swallowing his pride with a good drink of beer making him forget the sadistic look on the three of their faces and as wondering what have my daughters been teaching you my boy

But anyways later on he sort of did get some upgrades like his hair became longer which they thought it suit him then he put on some sort of Priest uniform which they thought it looks good on him too and he started to sort of look like the angel Gabriel although he was he thought maybe him changing his voice to sound scarier would be funny especially when he meets those backstabbing teammates of his but he started talking in that voice when she can completely talk to his normal one anytime you want to he just doesn't sometimes but after he says and I know what your dread very soon after that he gave them a alternate luck which completely freaked the father and mother out but I made the girls just give her eyes and say oh my gosh you are so handsome and adorable

While the mother and father are just scared out of their mind and he's wondering what have you done too N and what happened to our sweet kind merciful daughters

But very soon after an announcement was called for like the head of the company sort of for products in that and it showed a new looking drunk but it looks very similar to N all the humans that's working there work are drones and a disassembly drones that were looking at the screen were wondering what was happening and when are they saw it they were sort of shot that was at assembly drawn and when I read the CEO did say it he sounded a little bit fearful he looks very much like N

But he looks very handsome and adorable like an angel well he looks beautiful like an angel and looks very innocent but there's like the drones that's look at us whenever they looked into his face they can feel something that's true just evil he also had the wings and perhaps he walked out and he was actually like 7 feet tall he's taller now

But what are you walked out onto stage and he started talking in a distorted voice and said hello every human worker dissembly drone my name is not important but what's really important is I know what you want I know what you dread your new head of the company will know your desire or something like that I don't know

Quickly his smile turned to a horrifying one way bigger than any murder drone

But perhaps he has some sort of initial on him that he forgot to get rid of that J and V notice perhaps they asked for his name can you look down at them and said I am sure you already know my name since we've worked together multiple times i'll be honest I don't really know what to go on from here.

OK so I know I said I was going to stop right here but I decided to add more so what else could happen is that I'll sort of explain a little bit but after they found out who he truly was he still acted like his kind self but he definitely changed and he wasn't really as kind as he was before to his sister definitely but he is the next in line sort of for the CEO Ellis the husband to the two new future CEOs let's just say he does actually go to The bar where CYN is that is a place where she works sort of as sort of a part timer whenever she saw the new N whenever she looked in his eyes he was just sitting there with a huge smile with his eyes closed and let's just say he's sort of somehow getting a human form give me a surprise of what JC products can do for you

She then said big brother N what are you doing here he quickly then said with a tick mark on his head and said please don't call me big brother he said with a huge smile on his face she was about to say something else that's whenever he lifted her up by her maid outfit and said in a deep voice that was distorted as said I said don't call me that he gave her one of his old alt Gabriel smiles

And basically he came to God complex he thinks everything he does is right now although he wouldn't betray his father in law

Also one more small thing if you actually don't want to go with the idea of him like getting the upgrades I turned him into alts Gabriel them you just make it where he was always all Gabriel but showed his true colors later on

I don't really know what else I can put here he also does he Tessa he she also used to be best friends with the two sisters

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