Sample of betrayed G-Man

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So where we left off is that our main character
G-man he was getting ready to go out and fight the Titans because they are perhaps fully repaired maybe I don't know but anyways they were out fighting the toilets and G-man learned how to make pretty much make himself go faster than the speed of sound so he can easily escape the scientist toilet and The Titans

So anyways he was flying his way to the area The Titans were at and whenever he was close enough he shot one of the Rockets at them they were shocked to see him considering they didn't see his body at all they thought he died so camera woman was injured a tiny bit but the toilets on the ground were also surprised to see him alive but he was not happy with their betrayal so what did he do like any normal person he killed the traders as he has no idea why they betrayed him

But he started to kill the toilets as well until he was punched in the face by speaker woman well tighten speaker woman after that he had butted her with a frown

He dodged a hammer hit coming from her hammer very soon after titan TV woman showed up being fixed she didn't have any upgrades right now mainly because she wanted to get back in the fight for a little bit then get the upgrades whenever she turned him around and punched him in the face trying to break his glasses the glasses didn't budge he smiled and shot lasers while brown camerawoman was told to wait on a rooftop one things were getting extra dicey but he was swallowing the Titans because after the betrayal he gained some battle IQ

So anyways after that TV titan was covering her core not wanting to get hurt from it or have her core needing some repair again

I don't know what could happen and how he could lose his sunglasses that is made out of like steel or titanium

And the glass from it is made out of a certain material but they somehow broke it and that gave titan TV woman the chance to start like trying to kill him so whenever his sunglasses were like destroyed Titan TV woman started to use her ability and he was acting the same way in the episode titan TV man started to almost kill G-man

And he tried to close his eyes but TV or titan TV woman forced them open and before she could do anything else she was sent tumbling backwards from a kick from none other than the brown camera woman perhaps plunger camera woman was there and was shocked to see let's just say her little sister that's how she saw Brown camera woman with G-man he was smiling again as well Brown camera woman started to fire down words shooting and killing some camera men in the process Brown camera woman look down at her sister and started to aim her weapon at her before she could do anything she was slapped by Titan camera woman but out of a panic G-man went over grabbed the brown camera woman and started to fly away the three Titans try to fly after them for at least two of them because I don't think Titan TV man can actually fly but just teleport

But very soon after she activated his boosters and went faster than this is the speed of sound they quickly then just stopped going after them knowing they wouldn't catch up

But whenever they were back at base they were very happy as G-man suffered another lost she could've definitely taken on one of the Titans but not two or three like he is very annoyed because not only did he get the trade but he lost another battle it's starting to piss him off he transformed into his human form and started speaking an English cursing and screaming and throwing things until he felt a hug which it was brown cameraman he quickly hugged back because he knows she needs it because she never been hugged by her crush ever especially after she left her to die

It's counting down a lot because he still has an ally and someone he can call a friend so they were now coming up with more upgrades

As for like basically a ninja camera woman she is surprised to see G-man still alive because she remembers him getting completely destroyed or at least didn't see him anywhere

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