Sample of murder drone x tricky madness combat

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OK so what was pretty much happening exactly is our main character tricky he was sort of holding onto Uzi he also had a cookie in his mouth and everyone is afraid of water he has a cookie in his mouth because someone or a bully who doesn't really like him try to take that cookie away and let's just say he's no longer with us although there's only been one person he shared his cookies with that would be the worker her self Uzi although she never really asked for it he still gives her one anyways

I don't remember if I told you what he looks like but pretty much his screen is sort of black and he his like pupils aren't actually seen but his screen is completely black or his fight all I think it's called his black on but when he gets mad it shows red there

He was also I guess may be an experiment for the absolute solver program but his absolute solver is different sort of it was it was like a different version of it and it was stronger because now he can actually manipulate reality itself if he wanted to because the absolute solver I think has power over reality and space which tricky beats Cyn with that especially when he gets his hands on the halo

All right but anyways he was holding onto her and that's whenever they were being attacked I will be honest I can't remember if I made a sample of this but this is a sample so he has a street sign on his back which also was heavy but he can manage or she can because she is pretty strong for a worker

He was also sleeping on her back and shoulder when they finally got there that's whenever the murder drone N showed up and perhaps like many things happened as canon and whenever Uzi started to like pretty much got slammed on pretty much and she was gone like through the air and she did some sort of move in the air to catch her landing Tricky was still sleeping and he fell off and that's whenever N Went and punched him in the face hitting his mask which make him not only wake up but meet his face plate come off

If you ever wash tricky versus sonic.EXE then you'll understand what I mean that's exactly what happened

After that he pulled out his street sign and started to attack her as well when she was going easy on her that's whenever Uzi pulled out her rail gun and shot her in the head and she regenerate it but was rebooting and everything goes as canon

Where sheen and trick you were getting ready for a fight but that's when N told them her name and etc. and started to ask for their names and talking about on how she is useless or everyone tells her that she's useless and terrible

And she says oh I wasn't supposed to tell you that biscuits I think that's what he says in Canaan but yeah tricky just had a confused look on his face and why does she even stay with people who doesn't give her more credit than like she's just or I'd like the both of them are just confused well tricky mainly is wondering why she hasn't left them yet and betrayed them because he knows everyone has their limit on how much abuse they can take

So once they got their everything goes as Cannon and tricky decided to talk and ask him why he stays in the same pot with them like I understand you have a job but why not live in a new area where you can do your own thing and killing germs that they don't give you the respect you deserve she says on how she believes that they do care and etc.

And she also explains how she has a crush on V but don't tell her that and talk to them about J and on how she's a great leader that's cap

So everything goes as Canon know where she talks about how she needs the oil to survive and everything goes as canon with tricky talking in some of those

So after a little bit of talking that's whenever the three of them heard voices of how like idiot get out here

After that N Talked about and how you'll be happy to meet them and I'm how they're so kind and etc. and hand how they will like you

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