Sample of N the AI creator

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OK so this one is basically going to be all about the mothership and copper nine basically and perhaps him going back into the past on the gala

But anyways we go to basically them being at The mothership Alyssa first and basically this is sort of going to be the pass so basically at the mothership they were in for an interview not an interview but seeing what their job is on copper nine is the kill like all the workers which he was very upset about this but once he heard about the explosion that they caused was he was giggling deep inside his head and laughing as he's the one who caused it both for his own enjoyment but he didn't want any of the workers to die so as his payment for whatever he did he does something on copper nine when he knows when a worker dies but if he does sadly John dies he couldn't give a crap about them he could care less about them also perhaps in this N is The shortest dissembly drone or perhaps he's like taller than many other females except for his sister and a few others maybe

But anyways he thought it was actually hilarious that all of like the workers well not the workers but all of the humans died whatever he thought about how their families must feel he cannot think but laughing and he doesn't feel regret for it at all

But anyways whenever he's on copper night he does still do his job but he takes their coding out and send it back to their home because he knows everything about all of the workers no matter how much the dissembly Jeromes try to get rid of all the workers it will be useless because he will keep on reviving them until the end of time or until he destroys the planet or I mean the universe

so whenever the other drones talk to him about he will admit they weren't lying he barely does his job but he has ways to figure out like he's has control over the universe and perhaps there's a leaderboard that shows on the amount kills some the only time he actually kills workers while he does kill all of them a lot mainly because he's bored but he does put their coding back he basically sort of made it there a spot on point being somewhere else but anytime they die it'll be like just sort of a reset but their bodies are left

But anyways he's still able to handle the abuse even though he wants to kill everyone around him right now at some point he met a certain drone who is about to be killed by a female dissembly drone for some reason there's something about this girl he likes so he showed up and when are the dissembly drone turned around she saw the only male dissembly drone also just so you know there's something that gets sent to the office or somewhere that tells if a dissembly drone was destroyed but he knows about it he doesn't destroy it but anytime if he killed a dissembly drunk it would just go on the fritz and it would just glitch out whoever killed her it's basically a way for their comrades to get revenge

Whenever she asked him what he's doing here she asked what he's doing here and called him sort of useless but quickly his smile turned into a like a frown that's not natural for them but his mouth quickly opened up very very wide and started to glitch and his visor was completely red the drone was scared whenever he grabbed her by the head he crushed her head completely and dropped her he turned back to normal before she could see him she saw the little drone carrying a child and let you say drones grow or mature faster than humans obviously

I asked her if she was OK and she said yes she's adorable and it may sound under age but the child be in the hair and butt before you say anything hear me out the person he say it is Nori And child drones mature faster than normal humans so basically in like a month or so a children's just kind of being a fully grown adult but 16 years old and then by after that the drones just age just as fast as humans do except they don't die there a immortal until they get killed by something or someone

But yeah after that the child thing was going to crack or is cracking and he saw it and said adorable and whenever she was born she was smiling thinking that the drawing in front of her is her father and yes just so you know khan left his wife there today with their daughter out of fear and then he could hear other dissembly drones like a mile away or so probably more but he told her that she should run and he hears some more of his own kind he said that and discuss as he did not consider them his own because technically he's a completely different being he's not even a drone at all

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