Sample of Jason Voorhes the worker Drone

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So he was stalking Uzi and he saw her like and another murderer drunk and the murderer Drone is going to attack her so like any other person who would try and protect their kind

So how he did it was with as little strength as he could he did sort of slap against the wall didn't kill her or did really any damage but she just started to like reboot

So anyways Uzi was just shocked to see this titan of a drone he's even bigger like double the size of a murder drone she would lying if she was scared or if she said she was because she is

So when she rebooted and said did you smack me with your hand and everything else happens as planned he was just sort of confused sometimes so everything else sort of happens as planned where Uzi hands got fixed And well when N Saw Aaron main character her screen was screaming danger runaway danger and pretty much nonstop danger sentence which she can order because if he was dangerous she would've been killed already

So Uzi asked why are you wearing a mask which he doesn't really talk but he will talk more later on so everything happens like canon N talks about drinking their oil and how they need to do it or else they would die

than Uzi says what's your job of killing all worker drones are done they're going to scrap you and with your friends or comrades because you have no more used to them

Then she said a rebellion one I like it are so exciting I don't really remember what the exact words were that's when our Jason decided to speak his voice was very well deep and yeah he said I know you want to believe that they wouldn't do that but it's true I've always thought humans want to do something like that to me I used to have a human mom she used to be the boss of this mining area that's until humans got jealous of all the attention she gave to me so they decided to drop a box full of heavy materials on me killing me but I survived and once I saw my mom again I just saw a random human cut off her head in front of me that was very traumatizing so ever since then I kill any human survivors

And once I learned about the murder drone project I started killing them to you and your friends are no different if I wanted to they would fall at my feet like everyone else who thought they could take me on as me being in mortal that's when N I asked how are you in mortal I've been able to survive unnatural things like ripping out my insides won't work me losing too much oil doesn't kill me not even shooting me through the head all it will be as a minor inconvenience I will make me angry

Also my face is heavily messed up it that's why I'm wearing the mask

After he started talking about his face they kind of want to see his face now but will respect his privacy

So everything else goes is Canon they talk a little bit more until they heard voices and said that must be the others he could sense that they have different goals and they put the both of them do it for both fun and oil for survival well she doesn't like how they do it for fun but he starts walking with the other drone but whenever he walks he's fast as hell like whenever she's running his walking is faster than her running but she was shocked by that she forgot he's a giant

Everything else happens as canon Two drones will murder ones show up out of nowhere and started talking about how one of them wants to test blue in shape or like animal shape with I don't remember what it's called but they just think Jason's normal worker draw can't see his height from that far away

Everything else happens is Canon where they get asked to share like they asked for him to shut the door and whenever they weren't Jason started to Sam his face on the controller keep accidentally broke it but it was starting to shut after that a certain person came in and she stabbed both Jason and uzi Jason didn't move he just spit out some blood or oil I should say but let's just say this version of Jason is a little bit smarter like he can be easily outsmarted but he pretended that he died a little bit by standing up on his feet sort of shutting down and not moving at once that happened I am whenever he saw J

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