sample of The brown cameraman Pyro

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All right so this sample is basically going to explain on some ideas on how sort of when they first meet him sort of and they had no idea this was the brown cameraman

All right but anyways so the brown cameraman he was hanging out with the people who fixed him and he was being adorable playing around with his wives pretty much

And while this was happening and they were sort of cuddling his wives got a message about going to a certain area on a mission and he wanted to come to which they were spectacle or some thing because they don't know if his mental state could handle it sort of

but he said he'll be fine so yeah they were on a mission and the two sisters are sort of a a combo sort of they work together which is one of the reasons why they've stayed alive so long

But anyways so if this sort of doesn't make like any sense at all because I am going to be starting basically from the beginning But it's going to just involve like what could happen like on whenever he's basically on the battlefield and the scenes like of him fighting basically that's what it's gonna be about

All right so like I said before He comes out with his flamethrower on his back and an ax in his hand a fire ax a toilet want to hit him but he just smash the acts into a skull but for some reason the toilet was still alive still saying one word skibidi and is saying it like he's in major pain but he kept on hitting the head until it was completely off some of the toilets were sort of scared because they've never seen someone do that before usually they would just attack them once or sort of burn them like the Titan cameraman perhaps his girlfriends could've put upgrades on themselves like basically sort of like all the elements basically maybe

But the toilets quickly got out of there scared state and was basically ready to attack but he was taking down every toilet and less than a second even ones that are bigger than himself which usually only large speaker men can actually do it or a combo of two large cameramen

And this was just him using his fire racks and many of the toilets actually slowly started to actually be completely terrified because this is just a regular cameraman except he looks different

Very soon after one of those large toilets that only usually titans can take care of showed up And he was running towards it and enters flamethrower at the ground and lost himself up in the sky toilet tried to buy him but he slammed his ax into the ground basically well on his head he was screaming or yelling in pain

But then he flashed him and jumped down very soon afterwards he found out a location to a toilet headquarters And he went by himself without telling his girlfriends whenever his girlfriends found out about it they were both scared for his life and very mad at him the one thing that was thinking too they're mine was saying once we get you back to the HQ we are going to kill you ourselves

Once they got there they saw the entire toilet outpost in Flames they were seeing toilets that were big enough that only titans can destroy them they were in flames they decided to go check it out and they saw their boyfriend  shooting flames and toilets just running around in a panic screaming in pain and terror he saw the look on his face it seemed like he was very happy and he did all of this by himself pretty much if you didn't see the Pyro or meet the Pyro video it's like 14 years old that's exactly what happened pretty much

Although one toilet got away he was traumatized to let's just say whenever he goes to the G-man and explained it he was shocked and sort of annoyed but he I wanted to check this out himself and the next hour post was nearby and this toilet let's just say it was one of the faster one's not as fast as like the the Chi toilet but at least fast enough to get to the next and closest outpost in under two minutes he was still there the Pyro/Brown cameraman he was still there burning everything around him very soon the G-man got there with a few of the other child toilets and his girlfriends didn't have their elemental powers like ice earth Etc. So after you destroy the child he was attacked G-man who was flying

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