Sample of hudson the one eyed demon

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So Hudson was just waiting and that's it for the limo to get there because he can't he's not gonna break in because that's against his standards well he has more standards than any team in early and he sometimes has morals but at the same time not really he can also become an overlord if you tried hard enough easily but he doesn't wanna be in a situation of power where he has a role over hell with Lucifer sort of like help him out pretty much or help her out

So once the limo got there they just saw a demon they're setting and whenever angel saw him the reminded her a lot of Hudson which she has spoke to him sometimes and try to flirt with him a lot which she never had gotten him to blush at all it's sort of hard to get them to blush because he's not that much into women like most demons would do it to satisfy their lust

But he's really only into general relationships which is why he doesn't really try and sleep with any of the demon girls at the studio like in his other four no women will probably want to sleep with him but in his like real form a lot of women would you would probably get more women than Val can in like five minutes

So yeah Vaggie put a spear up to his neck and said what do you want here to laugh at us into our faces she said aggressively and he said no I think this might work and I want to test out for myself then Charlie was really excited and happy that someone wants to try it out I was also blushing at his appearance even though like some people would get disgusted with the eyeball it's just something about him just draws people in it doesn't matter if he has like a giant eyeball for a head pretty much

So Vaggie also blush the same with angel because they just notice his appearance because he let's just say he was wearing the hoodie but he made it look like pretty much he showed more of his head because he wasn't looking down at his phone
But right at their face and then he can also talk with his mouth but because of them will it being nice people and one of them being stone he's known for many years like at least over five because Val also introduced her to him

He decided to show his mouth and he had two tongues which you probably can already tell what female Angel is thinking of 2 tons the one thing she can think of involves something inappropriate

Charlie and vaggie was thinking the samething but they quickly then asked in their mind what are they thinking they cover their face that's whenever our main character saw them and asked anything wrong then they said nothing at all

So then he walked inside and said well this place isn't really tidy for guests no offense Charlie said none taken we were going to get started after the news but it seems like it won't there won't be really any point then he went and hugged her which made her blush he said it's fine I'm sure once I get redeemed many sinners will know that Ademption is real

So now he is pretty much going to sit down on a chair with a smile then everything goes as canon where Charlie goes out to talk to her mom and yeah so that's whenever everything goes as canon like the radio demon she says like hello in that and her face gets slammed and everything happens where Charlie says Vaggie The radio demon is on the other side of the door and she says what

Angel dust says who and our main character says I'd smash which they both said that at the same time and just said who and army character said I'd smash which they all looked at him and he said what

So she asks what should I do well don't let him in so we all know what happened she lets her in and like always our main character has no shame because he decided to be his real self which is someone who has more ego than God which I'm not saying that he has ego but I'm just saying like his ego is as tall as him which is the entire universe

But yeah anyways so he was just smiling at her without any sweat or fear at all everything goes as Canaan where Angel says The weird line and while it's obviously different and she says no
Then looks at our main character in the ass what can you do my define fellow I can smash you hard he said with a smile but she blush because look at his face and she didn't really know what to say so she stop talking

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