Sample of N the bulldozer part 2

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So I decided to make another part two of us like I did think of some other things so perhaps during one of the missions N and his crew were basically doing there job and he was still in his green armor he hasn't started any changes yet

But let's just say like I don't know if V is blind or anything but let's just say she miss took N as a worker and went to attack him but whenever she pierce into his armor like he knew she was partially blind from the beginning but he use this as an excuse to beat her up he grabbed her by the head and slammed her on the ground he then yelled what the hell do you think you're doing V was actually scared because she hasn't heard him ever yell before but he's basically a commander sort of but anyways she then said I thought you were a worker drone then he says oh yeah a giant drone who over towers any normal dissembly troll looks like a worker did you not see a giant piece of armor in front of you Ethan yells for her to get her act together then he threw her up in the air and the last time he did that with UZI also I'm talking about Canon the last time he did that with very little force she was launched up in the sky

Bernie Waze whenever he tossed her in the sky she quickly got her wings out and started flying away

Once the work was done N and his team went back to mothership and let's just say like in some of my other stories There's this area where leaders can hang out and other stuff like that he hates dissembly drones in general Here are three people On how things about them

J: He thinks of her as basically a dog or a teachers pet on the dog park basically he thinks of her as someone who wants to get the job perfect every single time he which he knows is not possible even he knows everything he does down there is not perfect the CEO knows no drone is perfect no matter how hard you try she also thinks she's just someone who basically is on the companies dick 90% of the time basically always like wanting to make the company proud and basically praise her that's what he hates the most about her because she's nothing more than a egotistical narcissistic bitch

V: How N sees her he sees her like at first she he had a crush on her but that went away fairly quickly well not really quickly but after he got his new upgrades but anyways he thinks of her as someone who basically had every single drug known to mankind and is basically wanting more of it he's basically comparing drugs with oil to her that's what he thinks of her someone who just can't get enough of the oil or what he would rather call it drugs considering she always had an obsession of drinking every bit of oil of a drone has and has an obsession with it in general why he hates the most about hurt is her not thinking before she attacks for all like whatever they were still part of the team she's attacked in multiple times luckily she never managed to hit him because of his agility and he knows she will never learn

M: now this is his sister well they are related by blood but when he was still at the mansion with Tessa and tessa wanted them to be brother and sister for some reason he didn't mind it even M was actually more happy than ever basically at the beginning but during the time they were in the mansion she started to become like J perhaps it was her spending time with J affected her or it was because of His personality that caused her to change but what he hates about her is she basically reminds him of J who is always on the company's dick she thinks it's pathetic

I've also been thinking about this but let's just say J have sisters and well the sisters are leaders to their own dissembly drone squad as well like J also J is the youngest but anyways so N knew the whole part about the squad leaders and I'm hanging out talking about either kills or hanging out or making fun of each other which he never saw as a thing to go to ever since he became a leader of his own squad because he's always a waste of time even spending a moment of his own time in the squad area

Obviously he wasn't allowed in because he wasn't a leader but now he is allowed in because he's a leader he didn't even he never goes to the area where people that aren't leaders are not even his other teammates they never went to that other place to hang out with the other squads mainly because they thought saw it as a waste of the time and because of them being the most useless or known to be they never went in there knowing that they will get made fun of the entire time but anyways N was thinking about it to see if it was a good idea not that he would Think it would be a good idea but mainly because he thinks someone will give him a good reason to give someone or one of the leaders a beating or something

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