Sample of N the ghost

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All right so like where I am where we were continuing sort of it was basically the next day and he was getting his disassembly drone clothes on

And he already sees a certain drone bragging to the others about getting a autograph from ghost which day were jealous but also said that you have no and she showed through her screen which was the truth after that they were very jealous and he was disgusted by her actions as she possibly thinks of her using this as a way to get more respect or so not respect but just get more reputation

So anyways they were getting ready to be sent down to copper 9 and during this time only male disassembly drama was acting weird basically like he wasn't his similar self like he was actually smiling either but looks more serious and it was confusing also V was jealous of her signature or autograph I should say

He was instantly out the door and flying as well once they landed last for the drones but to find the humans base

But anyways he does still get a few kills but not but this is his lowest amounts and because of that let's just say this is what J said wow this is a new record for you I never knew you could get even less kills you useless toaster

He is slowly starting to have enough and she was actually behind him he was walking into the pod area

He then says this you'll never get the respect of Ghost she had a tick mark and she asked what did you say Ethan turnaround and said no matter how much you try ghost will never acknowledge you as either an equal or as a good fighter nor will he ever see you as a good leader you're the worst leader in history yelled that Alex finally having enough of her antics the fact you can actually see yourself as a leader is absolutely hilarious I'm sure if ghost saw what you do behind the scenes once you get back I'm sure he would only be disgusted with you but he would probably want you to be scrapped and replace right away he said with a smile out of a fit of anger J and attacked him but he's now using all of his skills he's learned anymore so whenever she tackled him she was choking him by his neck and her visor cracking it after that he started to punch her breaking her arms and many of her endoskeleton she was healing but he kept on doing it until she can no longer heal because it's on cool down

After that he did grab her by her hair and threw her into the pod sitting down as well then V showed up and said looks like I'm the first one here and then she saw N and a beaten up version of J

She ass and a little bit of a Freya what happened and he said and her got into a fight let's just say nothing more just us too far she's not healing and she's knocked out cold he looks happier than he ever has been like he's been wanting to do that for the last year or for years

She had a creepy smile as well she was actually a little bit scared and then got into the pod

Then once he got back he started walking out then that's whenever V asked if he's going to take her to the engineers to fix her then he said why should I do that then she said on how you broke her so you should then he says if she gets fixed or doesn't it's not my problem it's not me who got destroyed this badly it's her V was an absolute shock because usually he's not a very selfless and would you would probably take her to the engineers but he's not doing at this time he's basically said this that he doesn't care if she gets fixed or not it doesn't bother him

If she can't take out a useless drone then perhaps she's the one who should get scratched and not that useless drone or get replaced as a leader

Cell she was just now gone not caring at all after that she was the one who took her to the engineer office or just a place where she can get fixed and she and like the human ass on what happened and explained on how she got completely destroyed by N Then she said this Yep that would do it I've seen him do something like this before but last time he did it there was no way he's saving that disassembly drum I've learned that day not to make him mad or make him reach is breaking point which is seems like your leader you're finally did cause she finally struck the nerve it looks like we're finally made him reach is breaking point

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