Sample of One piece X Michael Myers reader

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OK so on how this will go I don't really know or remember as many good things but anyways let's get started

Like I was saying before I don't know really many good arcs but Anyways so our main character Michael the next area basically I guess where he could go would be not the next place because I think we already talked about passing that but whatever he was going to where Usopp was let's just say he met many people there and he knows when someone's truly evil or have bad intentions because he's evil itself he's the definition of it

So he knew that the one guy with the claws was planning something completely evil and whenever Usopp told everyone about the one guy with the glasses plans one of the very few people who actually believed her was Michael because he knows that he was up to no good

And whenever the guy with the glasses was attacking him like slashing him he really didn't feel it as he's already been through a ton of pain

At one point he finally got his hands on the guy and he broke his arm and threw him on the ground very hard and just so you know he was calm through all of this so he would be basically the perfect person for observation haki as he's always calm

But yeah after the village was saved and they were on their way they stopped by the kitchen area or the bruattie I don't really remember exactly how you call it but basically were Sanji is i'll let you choose if you would want her to be lesbian or bisexual or just straight i'd say bisexual

But yeah anyways what exactly happened is basically everything that happened was basically cannon with a few other things like whenever Don Kreig I don't know how do you say his name but he knew that he had evil intentions once he got fed but he didn't stop them as like Sanji said she will give everyone basically a meal even if it's sort of free and then he fights back or she I should say

But yeah once he got fed it was basically attacking everyone sort of and said on how he's going to take the boat he Michael got up and was sort of ready to fight

Although Don could feel some evil presence with in Michael his body was telling him to kill it his whole body was telling him to end him right now

But anyways many things was happening as canon Like when pearl showed up and he was having a mental break down because he was actually injured and basically made the entire part of the boat like go up in flames and Michael was in the middle of it but Michael just punch right through the armor and I don't think we've actually seen pearl ever again in like 25 years So let's just say Michael just punched pearl right through the heart ripping it out as he was annoyed and he was on fire as well Dan knew that he had to kill Michael as soon as possible soon as possible

Also Mihawk was around as well and perhaps Michael actually was behind her and she didn't even notice actually she was shocked that she didn't even notice Michael once while she didn't notice him but didn't notice he was behind her but anyways she complimented him on his like stealth skills because not even she noticed him this shocked Zoro or should I say Zora but anyways he was waiting his turn as he knows that getting slashed on the back as a swordsman is not true or is not a good thing it's disrespectful

So he was waiting for her to be done with her fight with Zora and she was not even trying she was able to easily like fight Zora after that Michael took out a kitchen knife and also went to attack so both of their weapons collided and Mihawk Was actually shocked because he was basically physically stronger than her the knife can easily cut through the kitchen knife but she didn't she did something where it actually didn't cut through it but she was struggling to keep her Sword from going down until she was getting tired and went back and she complimented him and etc. and sort of wanted to make the both of them rivals but he then set an quiet voice said to make Zora Arrival as she would learn faster about swordsmanship and I am not planning on becoming a swordsman or Learning any moves about it

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