Sample of scp 096 the worker drone

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So they were on their way to the massive piles of dead bodies and wild right now 096 is a pacifist right now or docile

He was caring Uzi was on his back and everything goes as Canan where N sees them and she goes and attacks which she was about to try and kill 096 even though she can't it's literally impossible at least with their weapons The best chance they actually had of killing him was whenever the court blew up that's like the closest thing they had to be able to kill him or him as a baby even then that would be a task on its own

So after that she got knocked unconscious with an arm and got her head exploded before she was able to try and do what she thought would be the final blow to 096

And yeah so after that and she was rebooting N did exactly what she did and canon and said I help her name is serial designation N and she explains on how she everyone says she is worthless and terrible and she says that how she wasn't supposed to say that part biscuits although this route kind of made 096 remember on how people treat him sort of so he was conflicted a little bit I think that's what it means

So anyways N was talking to them and she said on how he is too tall to be a murder drone or a new drone the company sent and on how she's too short or something like that pretty much she also just talked about how skinny he was and how he's not like the others

Then they said Orwell his friend said and how their new designs

And while everything goes as canon from them talking in the pod where serial designation N talks about how they need their sweet oil just so they don't blow up and etc.

And during the conversation they heard another drone it was her teammates J & V and our main character he was a little bit scared not because he will die but he was more concerned about his friend also perhaps the doors actually close but that's just in case if like murder drones come by and see the colony open so they have to use a key card and it will slowly open

So after that happened he grabbed Uzi and he was running faster than a cheetah like I'd say three times faster maybe two times

And they saw his speed and they were impressed and shocked but just so you know everything goes as canan they said idiot get out here and on how V said there's a worker drone out there I want to try out balloon animals with

So we go back to the colony and the door was shut which she says damit we won't make it in time and the door will open in time that's whenever he decided to grab the bottom of the vault door and forcefully start opening it when she was doing it very easily and after a few seconds he pulled it all the way up after that they were saying on how to shut the door of the colony

And after that N showed up while the doors were closing it before it could shut though she got in sort of and started to attack everyone the remaining drums try to run but 096 and Uzi got stabbed he screamed out in pain a little bit although now that she gets a more clear look at his face he had oil like dry oil coming down of his face which she thought this was weird because she's never seen a drone with oil like that but for some reason she actually felt like whenever she stabbed him it felt like cutting through a normal human like it felt like she like stabbed a human that's what it felt like

After that she said and how she enjoyed their time together but you guys must die now So after that he laid down but this time like 096 now reaches breaking point of always being beaten and not able to protect his friends sort of so I don't know what else can happen right now but what happens next is that they showed up everything goes as canon also her mother left them there

So after N was implanted with the virus 096 best friend woke up and she was sad to see him gone but she hast to move forward to safe everyone else and she can mourn later

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