Sample of The horror and insanity of N

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So this is sort of a continuation of my last chapter not in samples but in my other story

But anyways so after what he did to the human the two squads we're basically scared they were going to get scrapped for what their companion did basically the other squad that had M it's also afraid that they would get scratched because they're basically siblings

So that's whenever the leader J walked up and grabbed him by the shoulder and told him to apologize to the family about what he did and that then he asked him why should he apologize to humans he gave an actual confuse like then she says because then he says my god you're a moron he did not like that one bit he started to put pressure on her hand he wasn't trying to break it no matter how much he wanted to he wanted to hear her out

Then she says because it's our job to follow human rules then he says yeah I know thanks it's not part of my programming to follow human orders J Then said you're going to get scrapped if you don't try he then just started to giggle and laugh and then remind me of just last night the CEO pay me a visit they were confused by the story he saying he was asking him why I didn't come to his meeting I told him this exact reason he says it in a cute normal while his normal dissembly drunk voice like an cannon and says this why should I push up to a pointless meeting that shouldn't really involve me but involves your kind

They were shocked he actually said this to the CEO then he says this then he grabbed me by the shirt lifting me up to his mouth is sad if you don't do this job or if you don't show up next time your team will pay then I laughed in his face once and said you really think I care about them go ahead and do it I'd pay to wash that happened the two drums were shocked that he actually said he would pay just to watch them get scrapped perhaps many of the other dissembly drones were also watching this some of them were actually flying in the air just so they aren't seen by the others although N knows they were watching he just wants them to hear this

So he then says but then the CEO decided to take me off and said if you don't come to the area where I tell you to go for follow orders your sister will pay the price Ethan left with a smile on his face so I didn't want any normal drone in that situation with you grab an ax and/or his back and chop off his fingers forced him to eat some of his fingers and I ate some of them as well after that he just started laughing giggle they were just horrified at what he saying and in his voice it all sounds like he's telling the truth because they do remember the CEO saying on how he had an accident

After that then he says so this will be your last time to leave us the hell alone otherwise the CEO Might start missing family members or limbs or perhaps Tessa will start missing a few limbs as well this obviously piss the two of them off as basically the person who is the kind assume he's basically threatening Tessa who basically gave him love

After that V said what's happened to you have you not realize what you've become you've become a monster she had basically tears dropping down from her screen but he didn't care he just went full savage mode basically then he says what ever I don't need this besides it won't be my first time killing a child it'll probably be like my 10th time he said with a smile after that him and his sister last night they were just shocked that he actually has killed human children before a multiple occasions

They were wondering on what's happened to him over the years he's become a monster that's what they're basically thinking they were wondering if they turned him into this and for a sidenote no he's always been like this is just that you guys helped him reach to his breaking point that's all

Also one more thing I've been thinking about it but perhaps he didn't actually the fingers of the CEO he just lets just say did them out quickly afterwards not liking the taste at all

Anyways it was another day for a new mission and he still with his two comrades what you obviously say comrades like everything is fine even though he is not fine more like he needs mental help

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