Sample of N the bulldozer

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Ok so I will be honest I have been thinking about just making my story ideas just short sort of just explaining on like how it all started and if I want to give a sample of what could happen I'll just put it here I think I might do that

But anyways so N and his friends/team do you want to test out their new body sort of considering now that they have human organs like lungs smell sensors like they don't have a nose because they think it would look weird on them picturing a human like nose on them just seems weird to them

But they have smell sensors they have a stomach and that stuff and taste they also got rid of the cooling system as they believe they won't betray them if they did well they would start asking him questions on why mainly not want to lose the drones because they actually like them

But anyways they went to the cafeteria where there are some humans they didn't have their armor on but they were in normal clothing they were at least as tall as humans which I don't know if that's actually canon or not they might be taller than some humans but Lets just say humans are a little bit taller than murder drones

When are the humans saw them they basically the humans don't like murder drones mainly because all they're doing is killing their own kind but that's not the reason why they hate them do you think all drones are just worker trucks basically and that's their only purpose and they started to well sort of eat so the food and one of the humans got annoyed and started asking them questions like in an angry manner

N try to calm him down until he stabs a fork in N's Head and because of his visor being bulletproof it barely did anything it still cause a scratch but that was enough to make him lose it he tackled the human onto the ground and they started to sort of roll around and fight every punch felt like the human was getting his bones broken as he's the strongest murder John known to mankind but he was very angry many humans tried to stop him until the CEO showed up what are you saw what N was doing

He was wondering what does human did He went and grabbed him by his arms it took actually multiple people sort of in like juggernaut armor because yeah they do still have that but the bulldozer armor is stronger and more durable

But after they got him off he then said how's that for a decision ass hole after that let's just say one of the humans try to command the CEO to scrap that drone for hurting him and not following his program that's the thing they gave him his like they gave him just a AI program basically what that means is that N and his team just comes up with their own decisions basically like humans do they have a functional program that it just makes up the program on deaf their emotions everything basically how they act is basically on their own free will

The CEO got mad that some stupid human or random human was trying to command him and N said did you just realize what you just said you just try to command the CEO of the mother company that's not a good way to get your way The CEO also noticed the like fork mark in N's head he asked him what happened and said that he stabbed a fork in his visor

The CEO is mad so he then said why did you stop him with a fork or perhaps he said drown mainly because humans don't really think of them as real people so they probably wouldn't say him

The human said because he was eating the food here that's one of the CEO said that he said for him to eat the food as an experiment

Also the person who stabbed him with a fork was shocked that he was still alive because anytime he's throwing a fork at a Drone de died when I hit their visor but it didn't do anything only had a little scratch

after that let's just say the person who is still on the ground like he was physically broken as the drone who was hitting him it wasn't with his full strength but he was he had multiple broken bones he even hit him in the skull which did put a crack in his skull if he did it with full force you to have gotten brain damage

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