Sample of blitz as art the clown x HH x HB

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OK so you guys probably know what those letters and capital means

So he was on his way to Lulu world he's not there to destroy it because that would be less fun even though he could destroy it in less than five minutes considering all of his sadistic tendencies going through his mind

But he actually got the supplies from someone he killed not even five minutes after getting his entire like body screwed up and completely different from his own

So yeah he killed him brutally he would have a made the pin go for longer or tormented him but he was busy on making his van he remade the van it doesn't even look like blitz van anymore so blitz knew he was ready so he was on his way to Lulu world

And he had this weird smile that gave some people creepy feelings or like weird scared thoughts how are you smiling like that and is curious on what race he is because he looks nothing like an imp Succubas or at all some people wanted to ask him did he either drove away fast or they were just too scared to ask

But what blitz plan was to ruin like the reputation of Lulu world because he knows how much his ex mother takes pride in her work so having her reputation ruined would hurt her pride that's what he wants

So blitz finally got there but that's whenever someone asked him for a resignation or something to show that he's supposed to be here to work after he got out of the car and was like doing something that art the clown would do like maybe drawing a picture and he was just now tired of this clowns antics so you want to attack him but art/blitz was stronger and threw him over his shoulders and stabbed him multiple times and took the thing that allowed him to be there and start driving like his car into the place also there was no one around so no one saw the body or him killing him

So he was back on his way with his Smile on his face then he stopped and opened it up and he started to give out ice cream and that to the children that's whenever the like boss of Lulu world that's under Lucifer said I didn't know you hired a new person to work at lulu world she asked what are you talking about I didn't hire anyone then he said well there's someone working here right now and he does not even look like anything I've seen yet he might be a new race of demon

OK what does he look like well when I look at him he can't be an imp but he's wearing a hat and he has this weird smile on his face he's wearing a clown outfit and he looks like a I don't really know because he looks like a new demon but he's completely white has a smile wearing a clown costume he reminds me of fizzaroli but more menacing that's whenever Lucifer said OK I'll be right over there to check out the new team and I'm curious maybe he can up my reputation also if what you're saying is true then you'll get a raise which he was very happy about

So for the few hours he's been there he is still there and for hours he's done nothing but be kind or Eli's acting because he's good at acting and that's whenever a lemon showed up with Lucifer many demons got all the way afraid of doing something bad will that will cause in their death

That's whenever she saw the demon and he was right this demon is way different she's never seen him before but somethings she feels something deep down that she feels a little bit afraid of him because he is very creepy

So he was handing out another ice cream to a little girl and she said thank you then that's whenever he looked over and smile turned into a frontal little bit getting distracted by Lucifer he didn't look really happy but he quickly turn his persona back on but he did a slow wave she was shocked that he wasn't afraid of her at all because most demons usually cower in fear but he's different so she decided to walk up and he still not afraid but she is towering over him and said so demon what is your race but he stayed quiet and was curious like the only time a demon has never unspoken was either their mute or they were in fear but she just cause he was mute and he couldn't talk and yeah so she decided to give him a piece of paper and ask again can you tell me what race you are then he drew a picture of blitz and he started smiling more and shaking his head and a useful town but she was in complete shock how does he know blitz

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