Sample of Brown cameraman villain arc into the-multi-verse

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OK so where we left off brown basically was heavily damaged so he left to get his repairs well he's going to repair himself

But anyways he was in phase just wondering on why she revived him he refuses to believe it I was out of guilt he just guess that perhaps if she did that he would join their side so I did not believe that she did it because she wanted to she did it for their for like the alliance own advantage of like feelings of guilt or anything he refuses to believe it

So he started to add upgrades to himself like a minigun on his arm

And a rocket on his other one like sure let's just say he's not smart enough until he gets like the blue prints to make like lasers and that he's not smart enough to do that on his own

But he is still smart enough to make like a few things and how he does upgrades on himself without any work well he made himself multiple arms and whenever he's upgrading his main one he takes it off or rips it off I should say and put on the other one connects it and starts doing upgrades on that

His core is blood red so anyways he was done with his upgrades even though he's very big he is still very sneaky and watching the toilets and the alliance

Fight the reason why he's not getting involved yet is mainly because he wants them to be and he wants to know if they brought any new toys to the party he's just playing it safe for me much some people would call it being a coward but he's being smart about it as of not wanting to get himself killed because he doesn't know what they have as of new upgrades

So when the toilets went away well whenever G-man and the scientist flew away I should say and teleported away

That titan camera and tighten speaker woman gave thumbs up as they're basically do who always sticks together that's whenever titan camera woman was shot in the back whenever she gave a thumbs up to a cameraman and who was it it was the trader the call him and he has new weapons although they're not as advanced as the toilets well some of them are The same goes for the Titans as well his weapons are not nearly enough advance he is only smart enough to like well make a core as he has learned on how to make some on his own before although the ones he made us are weaker than basically he's weaker than a titan but he's still able to hold his own against them

So like I said before he had a rocket launcher on his arm connected to it and a machine gun which was ripping through most of the Armor on Titan camera woman although titan speaker woman went and went up to his head and used her speakers making him both startled and holding his ears and where they would be grabbed a knife and stabbed her wear for Cora as well he tries to hit her car but missing thanks to Titan camera woman basically he was getting messed up like he's still doing very well against them whenever he realize he's not going to win this he did a G-man and got the hell out of there by teleporting obviously they were very angry and upset that they weren't able to take him down well knock him out

Whatever he got there back at his base I think in my last chapter he took over a Old skibidi lab

So anyways at this point he was very annoyed as he's not been winning battles making the Titans retreat and he's always been getting screwed up as he's not as advanced although he definitely does a lot of damage well more damage to the Titans then the toilets could do in their lifetime pretty much basically even though the toilets are more advanced than it is he still able to easily take them out or get very close of almost feeling entering one which was just saying the toilets are not happy that's one of the reasons why they actually hate him because he's able to do this with like no effort pretty much and they hate him for it there's no other reason why Because whenever they saw his upgrades and he was nowhere near as upgraded as G-man and scientist he still manage to injure titan camera Woman and speaker Woman

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