Sample of The innocent Brown cameraman harem

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So starting off from where I stopped last brownie was basically if he had lungs he would be suffocating well he does have lungs but he doesn't really need to breathe much but he is being smothered by three women between their breasts and whenever they realized that they aren't getting anywhere they were basically kept on trying to pull him away from each other but they realize that they're not going to get anywhere so basically plunger camera woman knew that brownie needs a babysitter quite lonely considering the amount of times he gets himself in a pickle sometimes

So yeah whenever one of them is on missions one of them is just going to watch him basically make sure he doesn't do something stupid as he basically is like a child sometimes he doesn't take things seriously like at all

So whenever they all have to go on missions they're just gonna have to hope that he doesn't do something stupid although considering brown cameramen is smarter actually been the three of them believe or not that's actually true like I don't think in Canaan I'm not too sure if he's smarter than plunger cameraman

But anyways in this universe he is and whenever he gets the chance he will go out and fight mainly because he's so bored being cooped up even though he can probably escape his catheters you can say or babysitters as well easily with his intelligence

But anyways during one of the times whenever he left and went to fight toilets he came across camera woman and I'm talking about like the real version the canon

Let's call the other two camera woman I think it was gray camera woman and black camera woman and let's just say that it would make it easier knowing on who is who

But anyways camera woman saw the small bean witch he's up to her chest level well all the women are taller in this they are like way taller than a normal Cameraman

But anyways whenever she saw him she just had the urge to go and hug him for some reason she doesn't know why I can tell you why she's in love and wants him more than anything so what does she do she goes up gives him a hug

Obviously she's thick like all the others unfortunately put his head between her breasts she can't help it she's never had this feeling before the toilet was about to ruin the woman until she shot it with the paralyzing dart and she flush the toilet She also got a little bit I'm more possessive a few seconds later or a few minutes and also like if you look closely you could see like some sort of hearts in her eyes if you look closely

But another thing she does is breast feed him on how that works is basically let's just say that like they don't have a mouth sore anything really at all but there's some sort of thing on the camera that allows them to drink liquid or eat basically mainly because they have to have that or else a certain cameraman wouldn't of been able to eat popcorn

But anyways so let's just say his sister figure was around the area because she was on a mission until she saw a familiar face well two of them it was her little brother and camera one man she saw was angry and pissed off she saw her brother and her well she saw her friend camera Woman breast feed her brother she was not happy about it either

So she food down and had her face in an angry position and mad she asked camera woman what the hell she quickly stopped and said nothing then plunger camera woman said the hell you are stop doing bad to my little brother she had no idea this was her little brother she then said this is your little brother well not biologically but yes

Also let's just say that brown cameraman is the only cyborg of the cameramen but anyways she quickly took her brother into chest he's never felt this wanted before he actually sort of loves it mainly because he never felt this wanted so yeah obviously he's very happy because he feels wanted for once whenever he was not wanted by TV woman even though he doesn't like them fighting he just happy to feel the way he is

But then his sister and started to do the same thing it's made camera woman jealous afterwards she got on the glitch toilet and started to leave and went and put her little brother to bed she also joined in the bed as well she was using her breasts as a pillow they were very soft as well like I said before his head goes up to her chest

So yeah as you can probably tell brownie is a sucker for attention so his life was miserable at first because of him being ignored by the love of his life and now it's going good because he's getting attention he's basically being spoiled

Which his sister has always enjoyed spoiling him whenever she gets the chance

I don't really know what else could happen

Especially with like TV a woman and that the let's just say she will be shunned and not be allowed to be even near him for a while but later she will find away and be near him basically that's it I guess for now

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