sample of Cloaker x murder drones

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So from where we left off our main character was looking around checking the new surroundings of the planet he went on and literally killed every human that was on it

But he did find out he was asleep for like 60 years so he went around looking around until he saw a ton of dead bodies of drugs he was in distress and went up to him and was afraid that this might been his fault thinking that drums were able to survive it so he grabbed the body and started scanning it and it said cause of death and said who killed him and it said like this is just gonna be a random murder drone
SD.A now he was mad that another drone killed another and he asked how many drones there are and it said that 10% of drunks have died while you've been asleep

After he shared that he felt like an absolute failure of a protector allowing his fallen family get killed because he was asleep he can't believe he's gonna say this but he has to kill every murder drone in sight

So he transformed into his worker drone form to look like a pretty one in reality he's not So after that happened let's just say to murder drones showed up and he pretty much saw on his scanner that said on who the drone was and it was one of the drawers that killed the person he saw after that he looked a little bit freaked out and put his hands up a little bit

And he sort of What's like a dream that sings the back and his or her front said look at that a drone a scared drunk and after they started making fun of him he lost it and then he pulled out his pistol and shot one of the drones in the head after that happened he jumped out of the way from the other bullets and whenever he looked back cloaker was gone after that he was hiding next to something and then transformed into his real form and then before he even knew it he heard a noise and then when he turned around he was dropped kicked bring the head then cloaker said oh that's going to hurt after that happen he nonstop brutally beat the drone to the point where his head was destroyed completely but he learned about their regeneration because let's just say maybe those two will come back eventually

So he started leaving looking around and saw Uzi mom about to be killed by a murder drone and he saw khan and let's just say the mother was caring her child like not like pregnant but like an actual child like baby she looked at her husband and he just ran away which is made Cloaker mad He wanted to go over and drop kick him but if he did that then the drone would've died even though he could've catch death but now on your risk the babies or the mother drone life

So when she was about to get shot both heard a weird noise getting louder and that's whenever the murder drone looked next to him and saw some random drone doing a somersault and he was in his worker Drone form and kicked the drone in the face knocking him down and started to beat the ever living crap out of him and he said one of his lines and started to beat the ever living crap out of him where there was actually nothing but oil left and bolts he cannot regenerate from that

After that happened Uzi mom was traumatized by what she witnessed but also was happy because her child and her are safe now and after that she got up and hugged the drone after that he started to transform into his original farm and he gave a thumbs up and then he started running away but before he did he said he should get back to the colony then she put her hand out as a wait a minute

After that happened she started walking back to the call me wondering if she'll ever see him again but once she got back in she heard khan talking about how his wife died And how he couldn't do anything to help after she heard that she was pissed she was ready to divorce his ass in front of everyone

Everyone saw 2 faces they thought they would never see again it was nori and Uzi doorman that's whenever someone said nori we thought you died khan said that you were killed by a murderdrones and his daughter was as well and that he couldn't do anything about it

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