Sample of N the reincarnation of flumpty bumpty

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Ok so back to where your we left off from the story ideas

Obviously I think I said this already but J and V has noticed that he isn't the same person anymore and he doesn't take his job seriously at all anymore he considers a joke and not even worth his time and completing it even whenever J tries to tell him how useless he is did the company he just brushes it off like it's just a scratch which does annoy her but she knows that she's not going to beat him in this argument and she has her own job

Even when J puts her feet on N or tries to put them on the ground and put her feet on him he just dodges it at alarming speed which is like him walking which he was just walking because now not only did she learned that he's faster than her but who knows what else he's hiding

And after he ran at that speed she thought she saw a terrifying version of himself this one having like no face but eyes were inside of a dark area inside of his skull and teeth surrounding the face and the tongue out but when he stopped being in speed mode sort of he looks normal again but after that she was wondering has she lost her mind or what's wrong with her

So just so you know he doesn't even have to be outside because like with him being a god pretty much like it like sure he still gets the feeling of overheating but his body just doesn't care well his body won't care

So it's the day when The pilot happens and instead of N killing a drone or drinking it's oil he's just sitting around on his back and this has been happening for possibly a year or a few weeks and obviously his companions have been wondering what's happened to him he used to be even more useful but now he's became as useless as a
worker drone without its head which isn't really useful

J and V have been wondering if them bowling him was too far where he really did consider himself useless no it's just that he thinks reality is boring and he just doesn't see a point in doing all this he considers this a waste of his time and they should do something more productive with their time study with friends and family although he has none of those since he doesn't consider those two as friends or companions he considers them more as toys that he can easily destroy and bring back to life if he wanted to

But I won't really say much more since I want to put this into samples as well

So he she's Uzi and he was excited because he gets to meet a new friend so he says hello then she quickly shot his whole body with her railgun which after the blast it did nothing to him which she was wondering if it was broken but that is immune to the plot happening

He then laughed it off and says do you really think that's going to work on me perhaps on the other two it will work but not on me

So she asked state back and who the hell are you N says my name is N and I am both a murderer and worker drone he transforms into his worker Drone form and he says I am agreeing to the plot and have transcend time and space

She was just completely confused on what he was talking about while Flumpty here it is now just shedding tears of joy knowing that he trained him well very well although he's hoping that he doesn't attack her because he rather attacks humans knowing that in this universe they're a completely corrupt

Then he asked do you want to come in so after that happened things goes as canon except a few things while everything like new things happen completely because he no longer have to drink oil to cool down

Uzi asked why do you guys kill workers N says I stopped that a long time ago

She's an ass OK but why do your friends heathen says they need oil to survive because we were programmed with something that if we don't we will overheat and die then this just caused her to have more confusion she asked so why don't you need it

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