Sample of the royal imp

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So anyways after I guess you can call it an affair like even if people found out Lucifer and the other two are not going to really care because like what are the seven princess or queens are going to do about it they really can't because Lucifer is the queen of hell remember Lucifer is well female and with her being at the top no one can really tell her to do whatever she wants if she wants a Imp nobody can really say anything although she rather keep it a secret because well she thinks it's more fun that way the same with the other two they just see it as a fun game and because of hell being a carnival in her eyes

She sees us has another game sort of like not dating him is in a game in her eyes that's a real thing she wants but she just sees having it being in a total secret as a game she could care less if people found out

Does she knows sinners or no one will actually do crap about it she knows nobody will do anything about it unless they want to have their organs ripped out and fed to a hell hound

So this relationship has been going on for a few weeks and well let's just say maybe one of the seven deadly sins may be like asmodius or just a random one that we know about

I don't know but let's just say in a few weeks they found out about their relationship and let's just say she was not happy that's mainly because well what will hell think of knowing that the queen of hell or the two queens in the princess of hell is dating an imp

So she had this smart/dumb idea to have him date her although it will be hard because he's dating three people so she went after the emperor was walking down the street and said hey there handsome and other stuff like that but was in public now I'm a ruin her image so he just ignored her sort of although no matter what the royal want to do she can't actually kill him because if she does well she'll be facing the wrath of Lucifer herself even though she can resurrect him if she's so pleases
Either way she wouldn't get off easy because Lucifer knows exactly who is probably killed him

Our main character probably knows that this queen of hell not the queen of hell but like the queen of a certain bring those he's dating the Queens of hell and their daughter

So he just kept on going on with his day but she was persistent the only person I can think of actually going this far and ruining a relationship would beat Ozzie

At some point he just finally had enough he then said are you trying to get us killed when she was confused what do you mean I know exactly why you're doing this

He said I'm not doing this for me I'm doing this for you as well you should stop because if the three people found out I was cheating on them with you even though you probably have told them the moment I said yes to your proposal you would probably told them but they will probably not just killed me because I cheated on and it would kill me for hurting their daughter mentally

Not only that but they would've probably released some thing as revenge for hurting their daughter as well by probably releasing the proposal or the video you had of me of you proposing to me Which will not only root in your image but will cause a lot of problems and if you tried to tell them that the Queens do the same thing Who would hell believe someone who's two rankings below them or someone who's at the very top I'm sure Dylan and hell has the guts to believe someone in the lower ranking than the queens

She hates to say it but he's right although for some reason she felt weird about how he was talking because he was talking literally down to a Princess and the arc. goetia I think that's how you spell it
For some reason it made her feel horny and once again that's whenever she realized she had a kink for being dominated or dominating someone of lower ranking not only that but in the lowest ranking in hell talking down to her and he showed no fear of doing so not because he was dating the woman in the highest ranking of hell but because he only said what was right and she can tell that he wasn't doing it just because he was dating someone of high ranking because she could tell

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