Sample of N the ninja cameraman (I added a quick thing)

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All right so if you haven't checked out my other story thing where it says story ideas check it out because that's where you can check sort of some of the information and harem

Anyways to the story so JC wanted to make drones that is perfect for the battle to take back earth and pretty much as a reward the drones they will have free will pretty much as a reward like deal there will be new policies where you can't discard drones anymore you have to take care of them and if there's any wrongdoings that happened to them well you'll be going to jail just as long as how much you would get for killing a human pretty much all the same rules apply to humans and drones pretty much even if people don't agree with this they'll be forced to So things weren't looking too good for them because they've never been able to find the perfect fighting drone pretty much every drone they found seems like they don't care about anyone not even each other

So there was this one drug they found his name was N he always seems incredibly kind the kids loved him especially the CEOs child which the CEO wanted to have good eyes on him to see if he's the perfect one so they have sort of gave him an upgrade only one though but that gives him full surveillance over the area or gives them and let me just tell you what they found was shocking on how terrible his teammates are to him

They were wondering how could his own teammates do this to him this is the worst thing any drone or anyone can do

they also have seen his fighting skills and they were wondering what the hell are they talking about this drone is better than them in every way at this point are they jealous or are they just stupid or is a little bit above they also did take a look at his files and find out he has a sister which treats in the sandwich they realized just now and how lonely he must be and is wondering and how is he so kind to his fellow comrades after they treated him this badly

They sort of wanted to get some more info on the two drums as well so they hooked their part up with a camera and a speaker so they can listen through and what they hurt shock them and made them even more mad he started to hear on hell it's almost sign up and he is still not back and they said well if he doesn't come back on the CEO and the others are going to get us a new and better N for the first time in the CEOs life he broke his mug and said like hell I'm going to give you a new comrade the both of you are on your own to get your kill quota he flip the table in frustration The others asked him if he's OK and he quickly calmed down and said yes I'm OK just a little frustrated at how they contractor on comrade like this

Like the CEO and the rest of the humans there were one around how did they come up with a good idea to actually have J become leader because obviously it inflated her ego to the point of no return

They started regretting to ever let her be leader in that team because like they don't even know if they can call it a team because all it seems like to them is abuse

But not even soon after the CEO gained a grin because he remembered that this whole thing is on video so he will have to believe them and the CEO is wondering I never thought I would care about a drone this much but they were also looking at the video or the whole thing with N on screen and this is what made them feel even more terrible for him that he talks about on how he has a crush on V

They were thinking to themselves and said poor guy he doesn't even know that she doesn't even like him and perhaps during this time he meets a worker drone
Which he tried to kill and he was shot in the head and he regenerated and he was booted off line and etc.

She hit him with an arm and he lost his memories and everything else goes as it goes in Canaan but different like he doesn't talk about on why they need their oil or anything like that

But he says this and other stuff and perhaps she says on do you know why the human sent you here and he says for the workers blowing up copper nine and killing all the humans here then she says we had no control over that the court exploded because it was the humans dead not us we didn't even do anything this made the humans wonder on why they haven't thought of that but the drone could be lying and decided to do an investigation themselves mainly because they don't want any more innocent trumps dying because of their stupidity ever since they found N they became a little bit more docile towards like the workers or the drones all of them except the Disassembly Drones because of what they did to N

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