Sample of Blitz as art the clown x HH x HB part 2

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Hey I know that I said I would probably maybe stop doing this but I did just thought of something

So blitz just started living in the porn studio with his three girlfriends and let's just say pretty much like 95% of the time they're just horny for him so yeah like they thought his entire body was like just white which usually when an imp Body is fully like they also see sort of the outline with his horns were so this just proves that he wasn't lying to them

But anyways there was a long walk it was a long night and our main character still wasn't tired nor was he satisfied by his girlfriends were completely tired especially Val which was surprised by this like that's where she realize that she there needs to be more women to help out with this because he's not even tired in the slightest not even sweating

But anyways he sort of went to sleep and he was looking at some sort of paper and it was about a Goetia Party and he was giggling and laughing a little bit with his girlfriend did sort of look up a nice what's the problem what's so funny are and why are you so happy that he pointed at the party and then the shocked him and said are you insane do you wanna go in there then he smiled and shook his head

His girlfriends thought a for a moment also just so you know they weren't wearing any thing they just slept without wearing anything now only because it's comfortable like Val already did that when she goes to sleep because it's more comfortable so that was no problem for her

But anyways that's one hour they said fine you can go just come back safely that's whenever one of them said so what's going to be his body count for the death in the Goetia ranks how many kills will he have

velvet said I'm going to say about at least 10

Fem Val well i say 7

Fem Vox i think 4

The losers don't sleep with blitzy darling for a day

So he's on his ride and just so you know he went in the back of a limo And what would you know the party is taking place at stolas mansion Who would've guessed

So anyways after a few minutes he got out of the vehicle and he sort of put on a tuxedo but that's only so he can blend in he does still have his clown wear underneath him

So now he was walking up and he was looking around sing for an opening and he can't believe he's gonna do this but he's going to go through Stolas room once he got up there he started sore looking around then that's whenever he saw a picture of her and him which he wasn't smiling he decided to take the picture of himself and started to scratch it out and with any other picture he came across that had him in it

So he quickly left her room and shut up at the party and he quickly grab something also he has a silencer on him and just so you know blitz is doing this just for his own game Kind of like Allison she only did this for entertainment

So Stolas was there and like Stella's friends didn't even go up to her because her wife was sleeping with a imp

But there was this one imp that stood out from rest of the others he was taller than the rest of them Stolas thought Stella hired this one while Stella thought Stolas hired this one although she had to admit that this one is cute she didn't think he was an imp neither does stolas But our main character looked at Stolas and he smiled and like waved his fingers into like pretty much used his fingers to say like hello

Then he looked at Stella with a smile and waved his hand for some reason they felt really creeped out and scared even though they are high-ranking demons and he shouldn't do anything but that's the point he's there to cause problems sort of so let's just say he was doing his job and because not many people or Goetias like think much about like lower level rank demons like for example imps they sort of don't really even care wherever they go they could literally walk right by them and not get caught although stolas and Stella for some reason kept a little bit of a better eye on him for some reason

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