Sample of N the innocent regular worker drone

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OK start the software we left off was N was sort of sleeping in his bed soundly and the next morning which it will be Sunday his new mission is to get the colony drones off of the planet basically atleast the colony that has the UZI who will be his girlfriends at least

Also the CEO has to change people or basically change the teams around because there is I'm pretty sure I said a kill quota the CEO doesn't really care about that he mainly just cares about them doing their job and making them think that if they don't reach this quota they will die The easiest way to have someone work harder

But anyways whenever he woke up he went straight to Copper 9 using like a larger pod to fit all the workers and it's sort of like let's just say one of those storage pods that store like many many worker drones that's usually made for her being able to send them do you like different planets

So he got there and he sort of started to talk and said that he is back and well khan he didn't wanna open up the door not trusting the disassembly drone

He said on how he's an armed and etc. what one or one of the people actually do believe him he decided to open up the doors and he had like getting a little bit yelled at khan

Whenever the doors open they just saw a worker who is adorable

UZI she sorta also walked out wanting to go outside but wonder if she saw the little worker her heart just broke or should I say her core don't think they have them but I just say that's how they work she quickly held the worker hugging him smothering him between her breasts

Just thinking my god he's adorable maybe Nori also showed up and saw the adorable little drone and hugged him as well he was smothered between both of their breasts

But anyways after that he's here and then he laughs a little bit and said well the CEO wanted me to bring you back up there as to not have you killed by the dissembly drones

He's still very much innocent possibly even more than before because he no longer kills people

Then they all basically agreed although they didn't make another like robotic shit that is AI controlled to bring their stuff with them also khan and nori got a divorce

But anyways at first like not as many people wanted to but realizing that this could be possibly their only chance of stop living in fear of those drones they accepted and he did help the girls that's gonna be in his harem with moving especially yeva yeah she's alive

But anyways after they got on the ship he was just sitting loud until he was pulled into like onto someone's lap who was it
It was UZI

And he enjoyed it and having this much affection
Since he's been deprived of that for like years so he needs it

He never felt this wanted Also after fat figuring out that doesn't even need J and V he's not cruel or heartless he's just listening to the CEO what he told them to forget about them and he'll find new lovers

Because deep down he knows that there's only one person who can gain a harem in one day that's his man N it's the only one he could think of for a game one

So whenever they got there like all the disassembly drones were still sleeping and the CEO showed up he did finally Finish remaking like the plans for on how this will work and I'm talking about let's just say the dissembly drone teams like if they're going to make it work then they would have to make a new line to have a three person squad

Like he was trying to think of how this could work but I don't really think of how old it would work because one person is going to be always down one draw and he decided to let it be that way like this seems like my house they were thinking they don't need a third person so what's the point of having someone less right they act like it wouldn't make a difference so let it be that way

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