Sample of Alternate version of Mr. N

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If I forgot the harem it is what usually the original but it don't include like J or V or like anyone like that just like the workers from copper 9 and etc. that's pretty much all

All right so I decided to make this into a sample as well but anyways

Let's get on with it so after the teams were switched around once again I don't know if a neutron could've been made to make the teams sort of fair like his new team has no problem with killing these workers although they didn't they do know he has a soft spot for the women and children not because he will try and gain a harem from them but mainly because they could have children and or stuff like that and because he knows they aren't the reason why the core blew up he doesn't want to kill those who lost so much because of their husbands

But anyways he doesn't need a drink worker oil anymore he actually needs them murder drones oil which they sort of gave them the recipe to look over it which is that's another another job they have is making the oil for him once he comes back or else he will most likely die

Because of his core being very large and that it takes a lot of oil to call his cooling system because of his overwhelming strength his body takes a lot more power than others like if he was still a normal murder drone he would need to drink about 10 times the amount of oil than a normal murder drone

But anyways sometimes some of them go on hunts with him with like for example Uzi nori yeva Doll They join in on the hunt sort of because they can be useful like blocking off paths or a certain John shooting a laser a rail gun only usually to block their path or make them go off balance because they enjoy seeing him at work and just remember he only has really one attack which is him punching but whenever he wants to run the girls would have to hold on tight

But yeah they actually do like his suit and fedora it looks perfect on him

I although he does have a transformation that uses a ton of oil and makes his core glow red same with his eyes he would be very mad also the pot is like five times bigger than the normal one atleast have five times the amount of room mainly because there's a legit giant and another and like seven other drones there are even though he can heal basically the drones there are like his caretakers what's the drones are Rebecca Uzi Doll and while his entire harem

But yeah their job is just to clean the pod and if they want to they can hang out but they also cook him the worker Drone oil which is actually fairly complicated good thing the smartest people there are Uzi and nori Which and will Lizzie is also pretty smart although she had to study at a lot but she did not like it so much but she made it go into her memory drive
So she can remember even though pretty much made her head over here and she had those like all those or like those pretty much those circle things and her eyes that goes around and goes in on each other kind of like this @ that's what it looks like but forget the app and it keeps on going and her eyes turned into like that as a saying like I can't remember all this my brain hurts if I had one my memory drive hurts

But yeah she just focused on the mission but yeah Lizzie isn't actually a fighter really although she did learn martial arts because of her dad and mother
Nori it's probably the craziest one there like I'm talking about insane wise

I don't really know what else I can add except this perhaps during one of the chapters he gets really injured and his trenchcoat is completely his core is exposed his core is glowing red he was like basically attacking the enemy worker and that's when His future Harem Showed up and saw what was happening the workers shot him with a rocket barely missing his core but did so much damage a portion of his entire body blew up beyond regeneration like I'd say half of his body was destroyed and then he fell down onto the ground basically lifeless

After that doll and the ones with the absolute solver sent weapons at the worker killing him and after that they were holding him and they took our communication and was talking to the CEO and said I how he is badly injured and if we don't get health soon he's gonna die and etc.

After that they sent a pod that landed there in less than a few minutes well they were just trying to keep him alive but after they landed down onto the ground and walked out they saw his body and they put him on to a stretcher it took multiple humans just to put him onto it after that the girls also came into the pod as well and they were pretty much taking him west and all the other murder drones got back and they saw a medical pod and they were wondering on who it was then they saw the body of N like half of his Head is gone pretty much and it's not repairing because they damaged his core but he's fighting for his survival

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