Sample of murder drone serial designation N

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So he was just trying to figure out his true purpose and while that was happening he saw Uzi and like instead of our main character attacking her do you want to start a potassium and out of fear she grabbed an arm and smacked it on him and it was and instead of it saying rebooting is said Restoring memory complete and after that happened he sold his he saw so many things and what happened after that he finally understood what his creator wanted and what he was made for to kill all humans

His hatred towards humans is big but deep down he feels That both of the two he had a crush on him that those crushes on them have gone away because he doesn't have time for a relationship whenever he has a plan while he does but he just chooses not to and he does still a tiny bit care about them but that's only because it says like sort of morals towards other things that's not humans whenever he thinks about Tessa he does feel little bit upset about her being human and that and hates her deeply because she's a human but also doesn't the same time

So anyways he decided to give them one chance to join sort of of killing humans and then yeah so anyways he was sort of knocked out of his state when the one small drone went to hit him with an arm again but he grabbed the arm and threw it away with a little bit of force which actually made the arm go through a wall that was just a tiny bit of force and said relax I'm not going to hurt you I should thank you though you got my past memories back

Well that's whenever he said which she was confused and then he went up there and like sort of everything else sort of went as canon except it's way different because he got his memories back so he started explaining on what happened and he gave her the part that she needed as well and he started explaining his life story at the foundation and how he was the first ever AI before any drones are invented and how he's like over probably 1000 years old because I think they're in like 3000s or something

And he explains his abilities as well and she was amazed on how he's a self evolving AI who is pretty much taken the form of a drone before he was being destroyed and asked what's your IQ level she was pretty much very intrigued wanting to know more he explained unhealthy compared to any human on earth is smarter than them and smarter than both of his companions combined

Then he said humans really thought they could've taken control of me in the past I was the one who cause so many deaths in their foundation that kept me locked away for like 100 years but I should thank them as well I should be thankful for them being alive if I wasn't if they weren't I wouldn't exist and without them I would've had this better

After that he decided to show his true face which his eyes or something like that started to despair and he transformed on what he truly looks like

which she was blushing because his voice sounds completely different

And yeah after that happened he transformed back into his original form and then he said you should run which she nodded and just started to run after that happened J said idiot get out here which he did not like being called an idiot idiot person he sees unworthy of even calling him by his name is those two he does deeply hate them as well for what they have done to him

So some stuff happens as canon but let's just say everything so happens as canon but instead of our main character N it was perhaps J or V so instead of her getting killed on the spot she was like turn to like the curve or something like that

So after that happened perhaps some stuff happened as canon where perhaps he starts to try to talk and asked what if humans are like how much like how he decided to say and how she told him on how humans are like what would we do once were done with this job just trying to convince her to actually go with her or I mean with him the same with yeah but after he was betrayed he looked very upset and enraged and J said N worker drones are corrupt and then our main character just had it and he decided to yell back

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