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This chapter contains basic information and some other stuff! :D

-Y/n is 17 years old. (In prologue she is 9, so don't be confused lol.)

-The town y/n grew up in thought that her sudden "blessing" was instead a curse and was a sign that y/n was chosen by the demons for some wicked plan so she was shunned from the town. Even her family kicked her out.

-she has a scar going down the side of her cheek from getting attacked by a coyote when she was young, since she liked to mess with wild animals....and still kinda does..

~ Breathing Style & Techniques ~
(This breathing style was made by y/n and specifically made for her use! :D)

Breathing style: Sky Breathing
Breathing Techniques: 6

Number One: Cloudy skies
This is normally used near puddles of water or lakes. The user will slam their sword into the ground in a certain way that will cause the water to evaporate and go in the air surrounding the user and opponent and act as a cloud, this makes it harder to see. When used with no water nearby, instead of water, dust or sand will come off of the ground and stay in the air for a little while, which can be more annoying than anything sometimes.

Number Two: Down pour
This is mostly used for surprise attacks- User will fly into the air and they will be shot downwards to try and hit their opponent, if used in front of the moon a fake version of the user will appear, making the opponent have to guess which one is the real one.

Number 3: Rushing winds
I don't really know how to explain this one, just think of the water breathing move "flowing dance" it's like that.

Number 4: Hunters shot
User will be shot forward and can bounce off of objects to go faster and have a greater impact on their target when they hit it.

Number 5: Starry haze
This is used for close combat, the user will be able to go around in circles that slowly get closed around the opponent, and if their sword is pointed at a certain way it will leave of trail of stars behind them and can blind an opponent if user does move fast enough.

Number 6: Suns ray
This one is one of the hardest to use, as it takes a lot of energy. User will fly up into the sky and basically use the sun breathing form fake rainbow.

Number 7: Darkening skies
This one can only be used when the slayers mark is activated, As soon as the mark appears the skies will become cloudy and it will start storming, the user can then strike anywhere and lightning will strike right where she striked. Only works if it was a stabbing motion, not a slicing motion.

Y/n is able to use some sun breathing techniques but will have a bad after effect after the adrenaline stops. Such as bleeding ears and temporary blindness.

Note: Feel free to advertise your own fanfics/books here. Please keep it only on this chapter though instead of any others, thanks!


I tried to remove a character from this because I realized it was a bad idea to add an oc to this so tell me if you see any scenes where it mentions this kid named "Shark". I created him when I first started this fanfic and thought adding oc's would be awesome but I now realize it's kinda annoying.

(Quick disclaimer: first few chapters lowkey kinda shitty but not really in a good mental place to have the motivation to redo it..maybe one day though.)


Word count: 623

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