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Chapter 001
"Into Mt. Shiokarai."

You sat down on the edge of your "house", if you could even call it that anymore

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You sat down on the edge of your "house", if you could even call it that anymore.

Ever since you got your wings your family has seen it as a "curse", and so has the other residents of your small town. Seeing as though your parents didn't want a winged freak like you they kicked you out. Really good parents, am I right? You often found yourself sitting outside the house, since your father would sometimes give you food out of generosity as if you were some stray dog.

You banged the back of your head on the wall. Staring at the other house on the side of the street.

Small slivers of light came out of it which you welcomed seeing as though it was currently pitch black outside. The only thing creating light was the stars and moon. You exhaled sharply, closing your eyes and shuffling your large wings behind your back.

"Fucking hate my life.."

"You shouldn't say such things."


You cut yourself off, snapping your eyes open and being met with a man with pinkish-red eyes and a large red marking over one of them. He was crouching down to be at your level, but still needing to look down at you to make eye contact. You yelped from shock, scooting closer to the house. "When did you get here?" You mumbled in confusion. Staring into his oddly colored eyes.

"Eh, just a few seconds ago. Say, has anything strange been happening recently, Y'know regarding demons or things of that such."  He responded. Sounding lay back as he spoke to you. He had white hair that was tied back.

"Erm...No? Well maybe? There is a demon infested mountain nearby if you would like me to show it to you."

"Alright, show me the demon mountain then."

You sat up, revealing your wings. He soon sat up after you and drew his sword.

You didn't have time to process what was happening since you were busy admiring how tall he was. What does this man eat?! "Nice try demon, Whenever you try and trick a hashira remember to hide your wings." He spoke, a grin on his face. Oh wait he's pointing a sword at me.

"Your calling me a demon for being born with wings when you are built like a fucking giraffe! You don't see me taking out a sword and threatening somebody just for being built weird." You humphed. Pushing the man and making him stumble to keep his balance. To be honest, you were surprised you could push him and make him stumble just because of how well built he was. And by the look on his face he was also surprised. "Prove to me your not a demon." The man spoke, lowering his sword.

"Oh yeah let me just turn on the sun real quick- WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO TO PROVE TO YOU IM NOT A BLOODTHIRSTY MONSTER?!" You said sarcastically before shouting at the man.

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