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Yeah, this most likely is not at all like how Christmas would actually go in 1900s Japan, but shut up before I shove a dog down your throat :3

Oh, and btw this takes place before entertainment district arc


You stared at the snow falling out of your window, your face was pressed against the glass as you watched every single snowflake in awe. "Snow- it's...SNOW! SNOW...BUT NO ORDINARY SNOW...THIS SNOW..IS CHRISTMAS SNOW! this can only mean one thing.."

"MERRY CHRISTMAS! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!" You yelled, banging to pans together as you marched around the infirmary. One by one people started to wake up to your clatter, you approached some poor sleeping persons bed and slammed the pans together next to their ear. They immediately jolted awake. "Wake up. I don't wanna wake you all up one by one like some mom but if I have to I will!"

"Why did you wake us all up for?!" A girl yelled. You slowly turned to her.

"....I told you, it's Christmas. You deaf FUCK!" You yelled. "It's snowing and I expect all of you to be outside making snowmen STAT! And somebody get me a hot coco!" You ordered, everybody immediately ran outside. (If you weren't a hashira, they would probably just laugh in your face. But because you are that automatically makes you the boss) "wow. Okay, nobody gave me a hot chocolate." You grumbled, walking towards the kitchen to retrieve the drink.

Once you made it to the kitchen you immediately started making the drink. After finishing, you turned around, intending to go outside to watch the demon slayers make snowmen. When two people suddenly appeared, blocking your way. You soon noticed it was Aoi, standing next to Sanemi.

"Huh-? Oh fuck no. This is ruining the holiday mood get him away!" You yelled, glaring at Aoi while pointing a finger at Sanemi.

Aoi rolled her eyes, "Y/n. I know how much you hate Sanemi but hear me out on this-"

You immediately interrupted her. "Hear you out on what? That feral rodent is gonna- Hes gonna- uh...he's gonna do something! And I won't like it!" You clenched onto your hot chocolate.

Sanemi spoke up from next to Aoi. "Gosh, can you ever shut your fucking mouth? Let her explain for fucks sake."

Your eyes widened. "Wait, wait, wait..the way your saying that is making me think you actually intend to do whatever Aoi is setting us up for? Cause that is what it sounds like." You looked at him, a confused look on your face.

Aoi spoke up. "Y/n. A little birdy told me-"


"..Mitsuri, Told me that you didn't like Sanemi. But after talking to shinobu and some of the others..we can all agree that you guys would most likely make good friends- I think what's wrong is that you guys started off on the wrong foot. So here's my idea.."

You rolled your eyes. "Oh my gosh- your idea better be so good it will leave me flabbergasted and in awe. Cause no way you got Sanemi in on this out of his pure will."

"Y/n." Aoi glared at you. You took notice how she didn't confirm nor deny your words. "As I was saying- here's my idea, Theres this festival tonight celebrating Christmas. I know how much you love Christmas, so I thought it would be best for the two of you to go together. And Y'know, try to work things out."

You looked at Aoi, waiting for her to say "just kidding", but nope, she was dead serious. "Hahaha- that's the worst idea you've had- I literally beat somebody up last time I went to a festival. I am not wasting my Christmas with rat face over there."

"What did you just call me?" He glared at you and you glared right back.

"You know damn well what I said!-"

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