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Chapter 14
"Well. Shit."


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You stared at the male in front of you, he had black hair with white tips. Along with green eyes that were basically glowing.

"...Sutafaia?" You mumbled in disbelief. Wanting to shrivel up and die at that exact moment. "Sorry, you guys can enter without me, I need to speak with a..friend of mine." You giggled awkwardly. Dismissing all of them into the building.

You turned back to look at the male.

"You remember me!" He said, walking over towards you and gently grabbing your hands, a large smile on his very punchable face.

You glared at him. it took every fiber of your being to not break his arms at that exact moment.

"How could I forget you?" You mumbled, a fake smile on your face.

He looked you up and down before speaking. "Did you get surgery to get rid of your wings? Does that mean you'll finally come back to the village?"


"Ever since you left the village I've been heartbroken, y'know?"

"Our arranged marriage was cancelled long ago, I don't see why you were only just now heartbroken because I left.." You murmured. Gritting your teeth slightly.

"Aw come on y/n, don't be like that!" He said, frowning slightly. "Don't you see? Without your wings we can finally get married! That what your parents wanted from you, right? To be my bride?"

"...shut up." You grumbled. Ripping your hands away from his.

"Y/n, don't you want to make your parents proud for once in your life?"

"My parents can die for all I care. They never saw me as nothing more than a disgrace. I will never honor them."

Sutafaia chuckled. "It's nice to see you've never changed." He caressed your cheek with his cold hand. You cringed at him.

"Get your hand off of me you fucking asshole."

He took his hand away from your face. "Y/n, you were meant to be my bride since I was nine. It's how it should've been. I don't care what it takes but it one way or another you will be mine." He narrowed his eyes at you, tightly gripping onto your hand.

"Things have changed Sutafaia." You grumbled through clenched teeth.

"Come on y/n, do you really expect somebody to ever want to get married to you aside from me? Don't you want to have children?"

You internally cringed at his words. This Bitch can't be for real..

He glared at you. "Either way, me and you are gonna go back to the village and live our happily ever after." He started to drag you away from the buildings. Before you stopped the two of you.

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