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Chapter 34
"Finally, something interesting."


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"I almost forgot the reason why we are even here...to find Tengens wives." Zenitsu mumbled to you. Your eyes lit up slightly from his words.

"Oh my gosh- I did also. you know his wives are so-"

Suddenly Zenitsu turned to look in a hallway. He set down the tray he was carrying before heading over to a room. You stared confused as he entered the room.

You sighed before running after him, when you entered the room there sat a crying girl on the ground.

Okay that's cool and all but why is the room so messy?

The room was covered in torn up things and dust everywhere. You completely ignored the girl as you picked up a shard of glass on the ground. "Y'know, Girl, you should really not leave glass everywhere. I am bare foot and that could hurt my feet."

"Y/n! She's crying!" Zenitsu exclaimed. Staring at you in disbelief before averting his attention back to the girl.

Suddenly, another girl entered the room. You only noticed her presence when you turned around. "HOLY FU- sorry. You scared me." The woman's eyes narrowed.

"Your so childish, reacting as if you just saw a ghost."

You blinked at the woman without saying anything.

The woman turned to Zenitsu. "You. What are you doing in here?"

Zenitsu froze up, sort of threatened by the woman. "Oh uh..I just heard a girl crying- and this room is messy." He said to her. The woman then looked at the crying girl.

"I suppose your right, this room is messy.." she glared at the girl. "If I'm no mistaken...I asked you to clean it." She walked over to the young girl and started pulling at her ear as the girl cried more.

You deadpanned at the woman. "Nah..the child abuse is wild." You mumbled under your breath.

Zenitsu glared at her. Walking over and placing his hand on her wrist. "...stop treating her like that." He said sternly. Looking into the woman's eyes.

Oh my god, look at him actually standing up for somebody! That's a first-

He was suddenly thrown against the door, causing the door to fly off of its hinges. Your jaw dropped as you saw how Zenitsu laid unconscious. The woman studied his unconscious figure.

You slowly turned your head to the woman. "..I would probably be cussing you out right now but that was lowkey impressive..I mean, how do you just do that? You are really strong y'know?" You suddenly realized something. This girl wasn't a human. No ordinary human would have the strength to do that. She must be a demon.

Oh my god, I'm so smart! She is to powerful to be a human, AND I didn't even notice her at first. Is she a lower moon? But I've been able to tell a lower moons presence before, Like the Train demon.

Oh. Shit.

..It's an upper moon, isn't it?


It was now night, you laid on your futon bored. You sighed before standing up and exiting your room. It wouldn't hurt to walk around, right?

You snuck around as if you were from some spy movie, you were tip-toeing and rolling around just for the hell of it.

"Oh shit!" You tried to do a cartwheel, just to land head first on the wood floorboards. You laid there defeated for a couple minutes. "I just got murdered by a floor.." you mumbled. Continuing to lay there for a couple more minutes.

Wow. That was pathetic.

Utatori? You haven't been in my mind since like...a long time ago!

Didn't feel like it, your mind is just full of random stuff that changes every millisecond. One second your thinking of cats the next your singing the abc's. It gets annoying.

Well, it's nice to know you haven't changed!

Yeah, yeah. You look so idiotic right now just laying face-first on the ground.

You immediately stood up, looking angry as you wiped some blood off of a small cut you had got in your face from falling. Im Not idiotic.

You were half-expecting to hear some smart-ass comment, but instead Utatori went silent, the only thing you could hear was talking coming from a room near you.  Huh? Who would be awake at this hour? Besides me, of course.

You pressed your ear against the room at the end of the hallway where the talking was coming from. You weren't able to make out that many words, but you recognized the voice. It was the Oiran from earlier that day. Who is she talking to? Why is she even awake? Ugh, thinking makes my brain hurt. You suddenly heard the talking cease. Hearing it, you immediately rushed back to your room.

Oh shit! Did she know I was there?!

You closed the door before practically flopping onto your futon.


You walked around the building, looking around for Zenitsu.

Where is he?

You remember the demon from yesterday?

Welcome back to my brain! And yeah? What about her?

I think you know..


..She's the reason you can't find Zenitsu?


YOU FUCKING IDIOT!- Apologies, what I meant to say was Zenitsu has been murdered by the demon.

..murdered? As in like..dead?

Well. He's technically still alive, but will be murdered soon if you don't do anything about it.

Oh. Shit.


-The muscle mice have been watching you sleep through the floorboards.

-Tanjiro has been worrying about you constantly.


Jesus Christ....we at 1k reads nearing 2k and I promised to make Y/n kiss somebody...I'm gonna need y'all to vote for which character I should have y/n kiss 🙏 it can be any character, if it's a demon or somebody she isn't really close to I will need to do tons more chapters leading up to the kiss.

Enter your votes here attached to this. If I don't get any votes I will resort to asking my discord friends..let's just hope nobody votes Gyokko.


Word count: 1068

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