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Chapter 6
"A small favor."

English: bold and underlined


You stood in front of shinobu awkwardly. "I'm glad you were able to get here on time, with such little notice." She spoke, before continuing. "Recently Inosuke got injured and I need to stay here to look after him because he gets a bit rowdy. Especially at night when everybody's asleep. But sadly i got a mission coming up and I need somebody to take my place..so I chose you. You can also bring another demon slayer to go with you. But most likely not Tanjiro and Zenitsu since they are both out on a mission together."

So this was the small favor? Doesnt seem so small to me.

"Uh, sure. What's the worst that could happen?"

"Thanks, Y/n."

You walked out of the butterfly mansion. Okay so uh. Just need to find somebody to go with me So I don't die.

You walked around anxiously. Hoping for some random demon slayer to show up and decide to go on the mission with you. But you knew that wasn't gonna happen- oh wait Nevermind there's a girl over there in a demon slayer uniform.

You approached them awkwardly. She had brown hair and brown skin, hinting towards the fact they were most likely not from Japan. They wore a purple sparkly haori. "Hey! Are you part of the demon slayer corps?" You asked. Tilting your head slightly as they looked at you funny. Nodding nonetheless.

"Okay, so I recently got put as a replacement for a hashiras mission or whatever and I need somebody to come with me and it just so happens that all of my friends are busy and I sort of don't wanna die. Wanna help a girl out?" You blurted, speaking faster than you originally hoped to. "If...you don't mind?"

She stared at you awkwardly. Nervously messing with her brown hair. "I guess." She mumbled.

You internally celebrated as you smiled at her. "Alright! I'm Y/n L/n! What's your name?"


"You- you don't have a last name?"

She shook her head.

"Okay, whatever. Let's get a move on! Bird. I need the directions!"

Your blue jay appeared above the both of you, "EAST! EAST! EAST!"

"Well? Let's get going sominoka!"


You both paused as you saw a large town in front of you. "Is this it?" Sominoka asked, which you just shrugged.

"Let's go see what they have to offer."

You both gazed around the town. Despite the fact it was bright out there was barely anybody out. "Y/n! Look! They sell rings over there! Can we please go check it out?"

"Sure. We still have another hour until it's night."

She dragged you over towards a booth,There was multiple bracelets, necklaces and the main reason you came here, rings. She was pointing at various different rings while you were looking at store that offered Tattoos and piercings. I've always wanted to pierce my ears!

"Hey uh- Sominoka. Stay here. I'll be right back."

She let out a 'uh-huh' and you rushed over to the building without a second thought.

You slammed open the door. "EARS. PIERCED. NOW."

The only other person in the building looked at you awkwardly. "Uh, sure?"

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